Chapter 11- Switching Places

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        Daryl watches her as she sleeps, how her body fits him perfectly. He slides his hand over her shoulder, slips his other hand under her head, and stares at the ceiling, the fight isn't over yet but he's home with her. Raven sleeps peacefully never wanting to leave his side but she will protect him and this group if she has to. Finally, Daryl falls asleep calmer that he has her beside him and that he doesn't have to go back to that fucking cell. Raven smiles in her sleep. Once she wakes in the morning she will make him breakfast. Daryl lies peacefully on the bed cuddled up to her body, while outside Rick tries to convince Maggie and Gregory to fight against Negan and defeat Negan.

Raven cuddles up to Daryl keeping him close as she sleeps. They are woken up by a knock on the trailer door, Daryl gets out of bed. "One second," He says, slipping on his pants, covers Raven's naked body, and opens the door. Raven wakes up and covers her body with the sheets not expecting to have visitors yet. Outside the door is Rick with a goofy grin glued to his face. "I don't have the energy for this Rick" Daryl sighs and shakes his head "Just say what you have to say and leave us alone," He says. Behind him, Tara emerges with an even bigger grin.

"Dinner is ready you can come over if you don't have something more interesting to do." She laughs and points her finger at Daryl's bare chest. His ears redden incredibly and only after that comment does he realize he has no shirt on, he is standing with his back to the bed. There are numerous bruises on his back, fresh ones just forming but also old ones that are starting to disappear. Raven gets up puts her bra, and underwear on, and puts his shirt on, and then her pants, and stands behind Daryl kissing his back. "Just give us a minute and we will be right out." She says to them smiling and blushing a bit. Before the trailer door closes in front of Rick's face, they both hear Tara's comment "I was right, they fucked" She says followed by Rick's loud laughter.

Daryl closes the door and rolls his eyes. Raven smiles and giggles as she takes off his shirt tossing it to him and putting her shirt on. "They like to tease us Darbear, it's cute." She says "Darbear?" Daryl raises his eyebrows high and laughs under his breath Raven smiles and giggles "Yeah Darbear. You're like a big cuddly teddy bear." She says smiling and kissing his cheek. "A teddy bear" He mutters under his breath and shakes his head. He sits down on the bed, pulls on his socks and shoes, and looks at her. "Life will be different with you, huh?" He asks. Raven looks at him confused and smiles softly "What do you mean Daryl?" She asks as she grabs her boots and puts them on. "In general" He shrugs his shoulders "I'm not used to having someone waiting for me at home, to have someone to sleep with at night," He says.

Raven smiles and nods "Well I would also cook your meals, help each other fall asleep and we don't have nightmares anymore. I didn't sleep while you were gone." She says softly "Full service like that?" He says laughing and walks over to her "But I'm here and you can sleep now" He says. Raven smiles softly and nods. "I know but my nightmares were so horrible and so real." She says "I know Raven, but they won't happen anymore, okay? I'll take care of it." He smiles and kisses her in the temple. "Come on, let's not give those two another reason to annoy us." He says. Raven smiles softly and nods."Okay, but I can't stop the nightmares if you aren't around ok." She says opening the door and walking out. "I don't have nightmares with you," He says, grabbing her hand lightly as they walk outside. Raven smiles softly and holds his hand tightly. "I know Daryl. But I know you would if I wasn't here." She says walking towards the main building "Probably" He snorts under his breath "But you are right." He says.

Raven nods and gets to the door of the building. They enter the house together, a table is set up in the great hall, and behind it the people who are serving the meal. Raven smiles and looks around at the area and everybody here, she's grateful that we have these moments but she knows Negan will come and try to find Daryl. Daryl takes two plates of food, for himself. "Grab a water and come outside, this house is giving me the creeps," He says. Raven grabs some water and walks behind him following him. "I think it's cool." She says "This house?" He asks, wrinkling his eyebrows, and sits down on one of the benches a little away from the others. Raven smiles and shrugs "It reminds me of a haunted house." She says as she sits with him on the bench "Oh that's for sure" He grins at her and sinks his teeth into his food, but of course, nothing can be as quiet as normal, next to him sits Rick, and on Raven's side sits Tara.

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