Chapter 13- I'm going to kill Him

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        The streets of The Kingdom were empty and quiet, people were sleeping peacefully in their homes. He quietly opened the door to the infirmary. Daryl enters the room, looking around for her. He sits down in a chair thinking she is in the bathroom. Raven slowly wakes up and notices she is not in the infirmary. She sits up quickly looking around "What the fuck?!" She yells "Good morning, Raven," A voice behind her says. Raven jumps and gasps turns around and sees Negan. "Negan. I... what are you doing? Did you kidnap me?" She questions backing away slowly "You thought you could escape and that you would be safe? The Kingdom people are idiots when it comes to securing their place, it was easy" He laughed. Raven looked at him and was a bit scared and looked around her. "Where am I? What are you going to do to me?" She asks "I don't know yet" He walks over to her and runs his fingers down her cheek "We're sure to have fun," He says smirking

Raven felt chills down her spine and breathing heavily. "They will come for me and when they do they will kill you, especially Daryl." She says softly "Don't dare" He smiles "There are more of us and we can handle them" He said. Raven keeps backing up has her back to a cold wall and looks away from him. "You're fucking crazy." She says "Just so you know," He laughed, "I'm crazy and driven by revenge. Revenge for Daryl running away." He says. Raven looks at him with wide eyes glares at him and shakes her head. "You will die motherfucker and I'll shove that bat up your ass." She says. "For now you are at my mercy" He grabbed her hair tightly and tilted her head back, he flicked his tongue along her neck "You taste good." He whispered into her ear.

Raven keeps a dull face knowing what's about to happen and she just knows to stay still and not make a sound she's been through before. "I'll let you rest, I'm leaving three people at the door so you better not try anything" He grabbed Lucille and moved to the door "Daryl will get hurt, I'm sure he's looking for you," says. Raven stays where she is breathes out closes her eyes and leans against the wall with her head tilted back. Daryl when he realizes she is gone has brought the whole Kingdom to its feet, all the people have searched house after house. Raven slides down the wall holds her knees close to her chest touches her bracelet and plays with it. "He's going to come to find me. I know he is." She says to herself.

Rick yells out at the top of his lungs when he finds two dead guards at a side gate. Raven closes her eyes and gets some sleep now she will have nightmares but she needs to try and get sleep. She is still recovering after all. "I'm going to kill him with my bare hands, first I'm going to shove this bat up his ass and then I'm going to break his neck for putting his hands on her," He says. Raven can tell she has bruises from her being kidnapped she can tell she was in one of their cells and it's dark and cold. "We'll come up with a plan, The Kingdom will back us up, Maggie's working on the Hilltop people, we'll get her back Daryl," Rick says. Raven starts tossing in turning having nightmares of the night her father rape her but instead of her father in her nightmare, it was Negan. She screams awake and puts her head in the palms of her hands.. "I'll come for you, I promise" He whispers to himself.

Raven breathes heavily trying to calm herself from the nightmare and she starts scratching her inner arms. Daryl sat in the window of his loft and stared at the stars, he hoped that Raven was holding on and that he would survive these few days. Raven wakes up and shakes her head, looks around the room, and rubs her head. "Goddamn, how long have I been in this cell?" She questions Daryl nervously tapping his fingers on the doorframe, drifting away with his thoughts to the moment he confesses his love for her. To the moment he said he loved her. Raven closes her eyes touches her bracelet and looks up at the ceiling. "I love you, Daryl. Please come and save me and be my guardian angel." She says softly

Negan sits in his room thinking about what to do with this woman, and how he can break her since she's already broken. But driven by rage over the fact that Daryl ran away from him he does something to her to hurt Daryl. Raven keeps her head on the wall and keeps holding herself close knowing she can't give up she will not break again. Raven will keep herself from hurting herself. First thing in the morning, Rick laid out his plan of action to everyone, how they were going to attack each of the Saviors' posts one at a time, and how they wanted to eliminate them in stages. Daryl stood in the concourse and wondered how much time he had before Negan would do damage. Before he causes damage he can't repair it. Raven is feeling weak and tired she has not eaten or had water in the last 48 hours. She thought Negan wouldn't hurt or torture women but she was wrong. Negan opened the cell door, some light came into the room, he stood in the doorway and looked at her.

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