Cheat Codes to Life! Part: 2

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A/N: I'm baby.

-Adrien POVE-
We walked for 2 minutes, and arrived at a small hut. We knocked on the wooden door that was slightly covered with moss, hearing grumbling we felt a bit nervous "whose here?" A great big voice boomed.

"Uhh..Callidus?" Alya asked, the door slammed open and a tall woman appeared

"Yes who is it?" She asked looking down at us, she raised her eyebrow "Um I'm Marinette and this is Alya and Adrien, we've been sent here by your friend." Marinette said quickly.

She greeted us to come inside and we sat down at this old round table, she stared us down "Why are you here?" She asked "Boaz took our friend. We need to get him back and go back to our universe" I told her, she widened her eyes before sitting down in an empty chair.

"It is quite easy getting your friend back. But getting back would be very difficult, Boaz has no security he believes nobody would dare to defy him. But he would be alerted if somebody tries to leave this universe" She said, Marinette seemed confused "Be alerted? What would he do?" She asked. Callidus turned to her
"He created this universe...he can almost sense if somebody were to try and leave. If you tried to leave he would simply send you to the Tenebris Dimension."

"So how do we get back?" Alya asked
"I'll open a portal." She said, that caught me off guard.

"What? How? Wouldn't that alert him?!" I asked "Yes but we have to be quick" she told me confidently
"But that would still be dangerous..." Marinette said "Yes but you have him." she turned to look at me and soon Alya and Marinette looked at me even more confused.

"He's a god." She said and my eyes widened remembering last night.
"ADRIEN IS A GOD?!" Marinette yelled. The woman nodded "with him on your side, he can save your friend now you must hurry!" She said, she grabbed our map and circled a place in the valley's "come here immediately after saving your friend!" and rushed us out leaving us more confused.

"Adrien you're a god?" Alya asked me and I shrugged "Yeah apparently." It really wasn't the craziest thing to hear today, we marched over to Boaz's Castle slightly worried.

"Um well, you guys uh go to the basement and uh get Nino and I'll watch to make Boaz doesn't go near the basement?" I said. That was the plan to save Nino it wasn't a good plan but we almost had no time to prepare, the sun was almost setting and we still weren't anywhere near the castle.

- after a few more hours -

We were halfway near the castle and decided to stop. "We have to sleep outside" Marinette said in a sad tone, she sat down while Alya plopped next to her looking even worse.

"Oh god he's gonna die." Alya mumbled before crying silently, Marinette immediately turned to her "No, he isn't we're going to save him! We have a god on our side!" She told Alya, while rubbing her back to calm her.

After awhile we all fell asleep, and woke up later on about 5 hours later and began to walk to Boaz's Castle again.

-3 hours later-

We could see the Castle in the distance and sprinted towards it, once approaching it, we noticed a big brown door, we pushed it slightly open and walked in.

The cool air was refreshing and we stood in the lobby, I handed Marinette and Alya the map "Be careful." I whispered and they went down the stairs.

I sighed and began to walk around looking for Boaz. Behind another set of a big door I heard a munching sound, I slightly pushed it open and it was Boaz and slightly shut it again, I quietly left to go back to the lobby now that I knew where he was.

After 3 minutes I saw Alya, Marinette and Nino come up, we quietly left the Castle and sprinted towards the valleys.

"Where are we going?" Nino asked in a worried tone "We are going back home!" I responded back.

As we approached the spot we saw the woman standing over a well, she was pouring in things slowly, she was concentrated.

"We are here Callidus" Alya yelled. Callidus hummed a yes, and we sat down "Boaz will sense that you are trying to leave once the water glows. I suggest you immediately jump in when it glows." She went silent and went back to pouring things back into the well. She than began to silently chant.

I turned over to Nino "Are you okay?" I asked him he seemed quieter than usual "Yeah..." he said, that's when a loud noise was heard from the distance.

It was Boaz.

Cat noir and the power of love 😔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat