50 shades of Noir

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I scratched my head and enter "The Office" the woman the secretary leads me to his office she opens the door...and i, simple lil ol me stumbles in and falls on flor I grumbled in pain like rawr.

He turned around

"Hey..." he says

"Hey..?" I say he gestures to a chair in front of him "Sit." He says. I sit and he clears his throat

"I'm Cat Noir"

"Ibujwjjwj I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng " I smile I pull out my notebook but realize I have no pencil I stare up and he hands me a pencil with the name

"Noir" written on it "uhm...ready?" I asked

"Ye" he says fiddling with his tail belt

"Ur very young to be a superhero do you ever-" I was cut off

"Crap my pants? All the time. But seriously?" He asked angruly

"We'll I've always been good at beating ppl up I find using my nails the best strategy to make them leave I like controlling the situation as quickly as possible to avoid citizens getting hurt" he tells me not really answering my question.

"So ur a control freak???" I ask

"Yes???" He looked confused

"So you sometimes travel around the world to find out who hawkmoth is and to fight evil people are you passionate about justice?" I ask and he yawn a bit

"Heck yeah but it's a bit boring"

"Wow u have a big heart" I say

"Thank U Ik" he said biting into a steak

"Do you enjoy anything outside of work?" I ask

"Yeah I enjoy physical pursuits or whatever that means" he mumbles the end part

"Ur not dating anybody" she says

"Yeah ik do u have an actual question 🙋‍♂️ ?" He ask me

"Yeah....are u gay?" I ask
"No" he says

"Srry it's written down on the question thingy " I say

"No it okay."

"Yeah Y/N can be a bit-"

"Intrusive???" He ask

"No curios" I lift pencil to lip and he just stares at me like 😕

"Wbu" he ask

"Huuhhhh" I say my eye wide open

"Si I want to know everyting about u" he wiggles his eyebrows

"Uhhhs shsnsnwnenthere rlly isn't much to know about me..." I say

"Aren't you a baker?" He ask

"How did you know?" I ask

"I can tell by your fingernails..."

I gasp and burp he smiled

"Hey noir you have a baddie to fight" his secretary said

"Cancel that appointment he can beat himself up" cat noir said not looking away from me.

"Uhm you can't really cancel that..." she said

"Ugh fine this will take a sec." cat said

He came back after 2 minutes and he walked me to the elevator.

I got in. "I hope you got all the questions you needed" Cat noir said.

"You only answered 4 questions..." I said

"Uhm yeah that's enough."

The elevator began to close

"Marinette." He said

"Cat noir" I said

I hear a tap on my window and I see him....

"Why are you here Cat Noir?" I asked blushing

"Please call me Cat Noir" he said smirking
"I did...." I said "but why are you here???" I asked

"I think you know why I'm here 😏😏" he smirks

"...I know.."

He got closer and I backed up and hit a wall he leaned his face in smirking and he put his thumb out


He won the thumb war 😭😭😭🙏🏼

Cat noir and the power of love 😔Where stories live. Discover now