The Ties that Bind

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Nikole's POV
I sat down on Elena's porch listening to their plans "here's Abby's address" I smiled and walked away to Klaus'.

"You might wanna get to Bonnie's mom's house before she does" my twin smiled at me "this is why I keep you around! I'll get one of my hybrids on it" on his way out he kissed my cheek.

When he was gone I left the house and went to Elena's. I knocked on the door and a couple of seconds later she opened the door

"What are you doing here?" "I take it Damon told you?" I smiled leaning against the door jam "yes! I know that you are Klaus' twin most likely psychotic sister" I started laughing and Bonnie walked up "I'll melt your brain" I smiled "well you could try but I'm a little stronger and older. Besides I just wanted to see my precious Elena" Elena inhaled slightly and I smiled "Bonnie run to the car" "what about you?" "She can't hurt me. Klaus would kill her but you..." Bonnie ran out and I let her "why don't you come out here and we can talk"

Elena hesitated before stepping out into the cold air. I bit my lip. I suppose one kiss couldn't hurt. I leaned in slightly to see her reaction and she just froze her eyes never leaving mine, perfect. I felt outlet lips touch slightly and she shuddered. The kids turned into a more passionate one and I held onto her hips I felt her hands pulling my high ponytail. I pulled away smiling "be careful on your trip Elena" I winked at her walking away slower than usual.

Elena's POV
I bit my lip. I can't believe I let that happen. She kissed me and I let her!! How could I do that? What is wrong with me? I tried to ignore how her lips felt on mine as I walked to Bonnie's car. "What happened?" "Nothing she just wanted to know something for Klaus. He wanted her to check up on me, you know his human blood bag" I smiled at her and look d out the window. Hmm I liked the feeling she gave me. I know I shouldn't but "let's go meet your mom" "well okay" Bonnie said a little confusedly.

Nikole's POV
"Oh twin sister we have many things that we need to discuss" I froze did he know? Was he watching me? "No we don't" "look I know how much you hate small towns so thank you for coming down here" I smiled "our family has been vamp-napped by a psycho ripper" "you don't remember Stefan?" I shook my head "Chicago 1920 he was the first guy you ever slept with besides you know who"

My eyes widen "you still didn't tell Rebekah right?" He laughed "nope she would kill you" I smiled "Stefan Salvatore" to bad I was gonna have to steal his girlfriend. "Kole?" "Hmm?" "The doppelgänger. Have fun" he smiled slightly his dimples showing. It was times like these that I really saw how much we looked alike. "Also stop dying your hair. Your getting to old I think I see a gray hair" I gasped and threw a knife at him laughing. Oh my brother.

I watched Stefan and Elena from afar. Elena was pulling out bullets from his chest. "Stefan there's something I've gotta tell you. It's not because I feel guilty it happened but because I feel guilty you don't know" she sighed "I assume Damon told you about Klaus' twin Nikolina?" My ears perked up "yes" "well she kissed me... and I kissed back" he looked at her dumbfounded.

He eventually got up and got in his car driving off without even offering her a ride. I walked out from the shadows "do you need a ride?" She jumped "I ugh have Bonnie's car" "but do you have a license?" She crossed her arms "do you?" "Nope but I'm an original" she pondered this "are you a hybrid?"

My brows knitted together "why wouldn't I be?" "Well because Klaus needed to kill me in order to become one" I smiled "well yes but Klaus got a spell put on him by our mother" "why didn't you too? I mean it's only fair since you guys are twins then— "I was married. So after we were turned I went back to my family".

She got into Bonnie's passenger side "you had a family?" I nodded "well yes. My husband Amir and my two children Alexandra and Alexander" "but I assumed you like girls" I laughed putting the car into reverse "well yes I've always liked girls but in my time that was a crime punishable by death. Well being drowned to death"

I watched her eyes widen "what happened to them?" "Has anyone ever told you that you ask a lot of questions?" "Yes" "well at the time we didn't know that we could turn people so... so after traveling with us for a while my husband Amir he... he ugh died"

I felt my eyes glaze over as I thought about him "what about your sexuality?" "Amir knew about it. He was my best friend and then when we got older he asked Mikeal for my hand in marriage because he loved me still" "your kids?" "They were witches and had marriages of their own. I'm a grandma by like a million" she laughed "do you keep in contact?" I smiled at her "I try not to you know? But every once in a while I'll go and check up on them"

I smiled at her very infectious smile "you know you are actually a lot nicer than I would have assumed" I winked "it's just the Mikealson charm sweetheart" "will Klaus kill me?" I sighed "well not if I have anything to do with it but yeah most likely" she nodded "well your home" "but— "I drive over 100 I'm too quick to be seen so"

she just sat in the car "well if you invite me in then we could talk all you want" she bit her lip "you could also hide my vervain so I can be compelled" I smiled "point taken" "you have a good night Elena" I put my lips against her's softly before allowing her to get out and I said "where does Bonnie live? You know so I can return her car" "2136 Honoria Street" I smiled "see ya cutie" and then I drove off.


"Nik I'm home" "hello twin sister. I'm loving the high ponytail" I rolled my eyes "I keep my hair like this all the time" "well yes I think you should put it down" "you just said— "it doesn't matter what I just said. I'm going to bed care to join me?" I shrugged "oh what the hell" "oh and by the way— "btw" he gave me a deadly glare "I got our family back" I smiled "oh what joy this gives me" he took my hand and we went to his room

"Does this mean you'll undagger then?" "No. They know our secret" "which one?" I said lying on his bed "the one about us murdering their mother" all the smugness and joking drained out of my face "how did— "I'm guessing the powderpuff girls told them" "powerpuff girls? Stefan, Damon, and Elena?"

He smiled "exactly" he laid down next to me and let him hold me "Esther not only stripped me of my werewolf side but she planned on doing the same to you. Therefore I had to kill her. I will always protect you Angel" I smiled "Nik I don't think that nickname really works anymore since I am currently far from one" he kissed my head "sleep now Angel knowing all the bad things can't hurt you"

  £££££££££££ Flashback ££££££££££££

"AHHH" I screamed frozen in fear from the storm. "Nikolina what is wrong" "I know it's silly but I'm scared" "of?" "Of? If the storm"the loud thunder shook the hut and I shivered "I figured this would happen Nikki" Klaus gave me a wooden toy "what is it?" "It's you and me" I smiled "shall you lay with me?" "Ok" he held me in his arms and I felt safe "sleep now Angel knowing all the bad things can't hurt you"

Alright I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any mistakes and also what do you guys think of Klaus and Nikole's relationship? Until next time 😁

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