The Boiling Point

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Nikole's POV
"Alright come on Bex" "Nikki I'm so sorry" "don't worry about it love" "no I yelled at you and— "sisters!" We both jumped.

"Nik?" We said in union "yes it is I" we broke into tears and I walked up to him "how are you here? We watched you burn" he smirked "I was never dead" my heart dropped "what?" "Yea I was in Tyler's body" "wait so you saved that blonde big mouth over me? Your little sister?" I still didn't speak I just watched.

"I figured you could handle yourself" "I mourned you!" "Rebekah your to old to throw tantrums" he picked up a bag of Elena's blood "I cried for hours! You were alive the whole time?" "Rebekah I think public school is making you dumber not smarter" "you ungrateful bastard!" Usually when she calls him a bastard I jump in but I was frozen.

"All you care about is your Hybrids" Rebekah picked up his blood bags and threw them all except one which I caught. "NO!!" Rebekah looked at him full of spite "you are no longer my family Rebekah, you. Are. Nothing to me". She slapped him "I hate you! There's your precious family Nik" she walked out.

I stared at the blood bag in my hand "Nikolina! Sister I missed you" "don't" I usually let Klaus get away with whatever it is that he's doing but not this time "I can't believe you" I let the tears run down my face "you looked me right in my grief stricken eyes and said nothing. I was broken without you! I felt... truly alone".

Klaus' eyes softened as I made him feel bad. I want to forgive him but that's what he expects me to do since I always do it "Nikole let's just move past this please" "leave town with me! It'll be just like old times" "Nikole I'm going to find the cure and give it to Stefan who will give it to Elena and then only then can we leave okay" I looked at the blood bag in my hand.

"You disowned Rebekah over these" he sighed obviously irritated at me "Rebekah who?" I walked up to him and hugged him "forget the Hybrids let's just go. We can— "Nikolina no! I need my hybrids" "why? You have me!" He pulled away "I need more" I scoffed.

"I'm never enough. I wasn't enough for our parents, not enough for every person I've ever been in love with and that's fine but I can't... but I was always enough for you. So no I won't be second to some hybrids and a doppelgänger" "Nikole if you can't accept it then leave" my heart squeezed.

Fight number two. I stared at him and noticed only our differences. I could no longer see the ways we were similar. The man who stared at me was a stranger. I didn't know him and frankly I didn't want to know him.

"Klaus it's either me or your hybrids" he sighed "Nikolina I love you— "don't" I looked at him in the eyes "SAY IT YOU COWARD" things to never call Klaus. Bastard, Coward, boy, weak and any other name Mikeal came up with including Niklaus. "Say it Niklaus" he stepped towards me "I chose my hybrids" I could no longer find my heart.

"Then consider me jealous" I smashed the last bag onto the wall "NOOOO!!!!!" I stood there crying "what did you do?" I didn't answer him "you are not my sister especially not my twin! This I except from Rebekah but you! No one's betrayal  will ever, nor has ever hurt as much as yours" if I was being honest Klaus knew how to get me back to fall into line and that was through emotional abuse.

Since he reinvented himself instead of daggers he emotionally abused me. Any other day it would have worked but I was already in pain. "I hate you Niklaus! As far as I'm concerned I never knew you" I turned around and held in the cry.

"Niklaus?" "Yes Nikolina?" "Promise me that we'll never hurt each other" I held my pinkie out "Nikolina Estherdóttir I'll never hurt you" I smiled "Nik call me Mikealson" "but your not a boy Nikolina the rule is— "Nik we make our own rules. When we get older we'll rule the world and I want to be called Nikolina Mikealson" he smiled "then that's your name".

"Goodbye Niklaus" I walked out not waiting for a response. My heart was torn and I knew I couldn't stay in Mystic Falls any longer.

Elena's POV
Just as I turned my light off my bay window opened "Nikole what the hell" she took her shoes off and climbed into bed with me. We laid on our sides facing each other "Elena I'm leaving" "wait why?" "Because it's time for me to go. I like to travel and never stay in one place. Besides if you get into good graces with Rebekah she'll tell you the real reason.

"I'm going to miss you" she smiled "I'll be back Elena don't cry" I wiped away my tears "promise you'll be back?" She pecked my lips "I'll be back love I promise" "stay?" She held me in her arms "I'll stay. Sleep now my love".

Klaus' POV
I sat down in my chair and thought. I managed to disown both of my only sisters and lose the blood for my hybrids. Now I truly needed to find the cure and Stefan was going to help me.

Rebekah will be back but Nikolina and I have never been in a fight besides that one night when I daggered her so I don't know her patterns. Most likely she'll be out of this town by sunrise and then I'll truly be alone.

I suppose this time it's truly my fault I scared the one person who cared about me away. I was worthless and not worth loving.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed So yeah some development between Nikole and Elena but next chapter Nikole will be gone and the search for the cure will begin.

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