All My Children

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Nikole's POV
I was given very clear instructions about what to do. Elijah called and said I had to watch Rebekah who was watching Elena in a cave. I sat above the cave on the ground crossing my legs. I was about to see Elena for the first time since the ball. I of course watched her sleep at night in her magnolia tree but she never saw me. "Since when have you been a coward Nikolina?" I stood up and jumped into the hole. "So sit down and shut the hell up before I ruin everything by killing you" I smirked and followed Rebekah's voice as she yelled at Elena.

"I figured if you two were gonna have a slumber party might as well invite me ehh" I winked at Elena and she nervously looked away. "Bloody hell are you doing here?" "Elijah called me. Said you were babysitting and that you needed a babysitter" my younger blonde sister rolled her eyes "whatever"

It felt like hours by it was only minutes. I felt the sharp pang in my heart as if it was being pierced. I looked over at Rebekah "oh bloody hell" she turned gray and just as she was collapsing I picked her up and laid her down gently. Elena ran and I let her.

Caroline 's POV
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" "Nothing" "WHAT DID YOU DO?" He yelled again grabbing my shoulders and shaking me angrily "I -I didn't do anything Klaus! Let me go!" "Fine" he let me go and walked away. I was sure he was gonna murder me right than and there.

Elena's POV
I ran to the Lockwood side where no vampire could enter. "I'm tired of chase" I looked up and almost screamed "don't worry it's just me" she smiled her beautiful smile and walked up to me until she couldn't anymore "how you've been?" I bit my lip "fine I'm fixing my relationship with Stefan" she raised one of her perfect brows "I just thought you should know".

Nikole raised her hand against the barrier and after a while I put mine up so we were sorta touching. "I like you Elena" I looked into her big brown eyes "Nikole we can't" just than I heard heels clicking against the cave floor.

Stefan's POV
We ran out of all options. Damon and I had to stop the ritual but how. I crept down the stairs and Bonnie smacks right into me "Stefan?" "Bonnie I ugh— " Hey bonbon" Bonnie and I looked up to see Damon on the stairs holding Abby against her will. "Stop the spell Bonnie"

"No" "fine then I'll just have to kill your mother" "wait please don't. I couldn't stop this ritual even if I wanted to. Esther is channeling all huge witches through us" I saw a light bulb go off in Damon's mind. Next thing I knew he was talking again in a menacing voice "I'll do you one better" he shoved his blood down Abby's  throat before killing her by snap her neck and letting her body roll down the stairs.

"MOM!" I held Bonnie as she cried into my chest "really Damon?" Damon didn't answer he just walked off. "I am so sorry Bonnie" I let her go and she ran to her mom "can you call Caroline for me?" "yeah"

Elena's POV
I jumped back until I couldn't anymore because Rebekah was setting everything on fire. "Bexs leave her alone" "have you gone soft Nikolina" I watched Nikole walk away mumbling about her phone ringing. "You won't do it Rebekah" she cocked an eyebrow "really? You know something I don't?" I don't know why I got so bold but it seemed right in my head. Rebekah lit a match "Rebekah leave her! Elijah just called, Elena's free" "you just got lucky doppelbitch" Rebekah walked off "you want a ride?" I smiled "okay".

She pulled up to my house and parked. I walked inside and she climbed up my magnolia tree. I went into my room and opened the window and she was already relaxed in her tree. "Will you ever invite me in?" "Why would I invite you in when you look so comfortable in that tree" I giggled and she smiled mockingly at me. "I'm gonna take a shower so come in".

She hesitated for a second before hopping in. "Nice room" "thanks, if you sit on my bed take your clothes off because they're dirty" then I went into the bathroom my heart racing excitedly. Usually when I take a shower I stare at myself in the mirror but not tonight. Oh didn't even take time to let the hot water run down my body I just hopped in and started washing.

The Mikealson Sister || E. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now