Because the Night

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Nikole's POV
I walked through the doors of the Boarding House and saw Stefan standing by the fireplace. "You called I'm here" he didn't turn he just continued to stare at the fireplace "I failed Nikole" I sighed and walked closer to him "what happened?" He finally turned around to face me holding a glass.

"Damon took Elena to New York" "I was just with Elena last night" he took a sip of his drink before handing it to me "what's so wrong with New York Steffy?" He walked past me "he took her there to feed Nikole. He wants her to feed on innocents".

I laughed "humans are hardly innocent" I chugged the rest of his drink and then sat down on the couch. "Ok so why did you call me?" "I can't go to New York right this second and I know you care for her so can you go? Please?" I rolled me eyes "fine I'll go and get her I assume" "yea just bring her back here please" I headed for the door but stopped in front of Stefan. I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. "No girl will ever be deserving of your love"

"Alright I'll call you when I get there" I walked out the door with a smile on my face.


"You got Lexied?" Rebekah grabbed Damon's head and slammed it on the table "following a lead without me? Poor form Damon" I rolled my eyes at her and walked away.

I found Elena and there was no way she was gonna be able to run off so I can call Stefan.

I went outside and in the back away from the three vampires and called him "Stefan?" "Nikole did you find her?" "Yeah I did she's still with Damon and she has new hair" "new hair?" "Yeah I'll keep you posted I'm gonna go back in there alirght" "okay thank you again Nikole" I smiled "anytime".

I hung up on Stefan and walked back inside. "Wow she sounds treadful" Rebekah said just as I walked over to them "well she had a mother Theresa complex" "what did I miss?" I asked leaning on the table "where did you go" Elena asked me also leaning on the table. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Damon "so what did I miss?"

"Let me guess you had a couple of dark nights with Lexi and then she got you to turn your humanity on and that's what you plan to do with me?" Elena made a grimace and walked away. "You read the last page of a book first, too? I'm gonna go get a drink many drinks" "yeah me too".

I grabbed Damon's arm and we linked walking over to the bar. "So Nikole what are you doing here?" I smiled at him "well I'm here to have fun" Damon laughed "so you didn't come here because my annoyingly do good of a brother sent you?" "I thought you were buying us drinks?"

"Two beers please" the bartender set down our drinks in front of us and I grabbed mine chugging it down quickly while Damon just sipped his.

Eventually the music started and everyone was dancing but kept myself stationed at the bar and ordered drink after drink. Elena and Rebekah somehow were now all buddy buddy.

Damon had bought them drinks and I watched and listened in "is this allowed? What would Lexi say?" I heard Elena ask mockingly as she picked up a shot "well Lexi thought the only way I would turn my humanity on is if I started enjoying my life again" Damon answered her. "Do not tell me she took you to Bon Jovi concerts, too" Rebekah said as the all clinked their drinks together.

I stopped listening because it was boring and who the hell is this Lexi chick?

"Tequila on the rocks from the gentleman down there" I looked up at the bartender and smiled "he also gave me this napkin with his number" I stood up and fixed my sweater dress. I grabbed the drink and threw it back "tell him thank you for the drinks but I'm into women or at least good lookin guys".

I walked away and headed towards the trio but I quickly saw that the three of them were gone. I panicked but spotted Elena and Rebekah feeding on some random blonde girl.

I wonder why Elena hadn't ran off yet. I saw Rebekah and Elena talking and I got suspicious. I saw Rebekah walk away and I head towards her. "Nice hair" she sighed "nice ass" I rolled my eyes at her "what happened to the Elena I— "what? Fell in love with? Get in line Nikole" I walked away.

I was currently sitting in the booth furthest away from everyone and I was drinking bottle after bottle.

Love! I can't believe she just said I loved her! Loved? Did I love her? I suppose I wouldn't even be able to tell if I loved someone or not.

I watched as she spoke with Damon but didn't bother to listen in. They were getting up! I stood up and walked over to Rebekah who just killed some guy. "Where are those two going?" She smirked "why you jealous?" I rolled my eyes "no why would I be jealous? I'm just supposed to be watching her" Rebekah laughed "watching her?" I sat in the bar stool and spun around. "Careful Nikki you're emotions are showing" she walked away leaving me all alone and I still didn't know where they went.

"Hey pretty girl" I turned around to see a guy in at least his 40's "hey I'm talking to you blondie" I rolled me eyes "go away from me if you want to live" I got up and listened for Rebekah or Elena.

I found them on the rooftop so I walked up there. "Trying to hide from me?" They jumped "what do you want?" Elena asked "I want in".


I was sitting in the back of Damon's car while Rebekah was touching the radio and Elena was sitting on the hood talking to Damon. They got in and Elena pulled off.

A/N: Sorry for not updating I was losing inspiration but I'm back 💜 I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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