Growing Pains

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Nikole's POV
Niklaus and I seemed to always be joined at the hip. I've tried to go off on my own but I missed him too much. When he told me he was coming to Mystic Falls I told him I was going to Florence. We were separated for almost 4 months. Rebekah and Elijah scattered and so I was alone with my daggered siblings beneath me. I decided to leave Klaus' mansion.

I had no feeling I was just numb. I would give anything to be in Klaus' arms again. I was walking past the Gilbert house when I heard a cry. Elena's cry! That bitch survived!? "What the actual fuck" I was Stefan downstairs and I just climbed her tree and opened her window coming in. She was writing in her diary.

"How did your ass survive?" "What are you doing here? How could you let your sister run me and Matt off the bridge?" "My sister... because my brother is dead! So the Alaric guy had to go!" Elena got up in my face "I don't wanna be a vampire!" I grabbed her face "yes you do" "are you compelling me right now?" I smiled "nope I'm just stating that you'll make it as a vampire, as long as you listen to your so good boyfriend and not that raven haired idiot. You're stronger than you think Elena, you can handle this" I kissed her forehead and walked to her window "thank you Nikole" she wrapped me into a hug and I almost pushed her away but it felt natural. "I hate your brother but I'm very sorry that he's gone Nikole" I felt my eyes prick at the thought of my twin "I told him I would hate him and that I would never forgive him. Those were my final words to him Elena" my eyes pricked again but I let them fall. "You shouldn't be alone Nikole" I wiped my face.

"I'm not, I have my bottle of alcohol keeping me company" I turned and she grabbed me hand "you are always welcome here" "even though I said I would gladly murder you if I could have my brother back?" She laughed.

"I know what it feels like to lose someone you love. It's the worst feeling" "thanks Elena, just remember what I told you and you'll be the best vampire there is" then I left.

Elena's POV
I walked downstairs to see Stefan cooking "what are you doing Mr. Salvatore" I said kissing his neck "making a sandwich to help my girlfriend Ms. Gilbert" I took the sandwich from him and smiled "will I ever get the honor of being Mrs. Salvatore?" I asked taking a bite out of the sandwich. "It's horrible isn't it" the sandwich probably would have been delicious if I was human "no it's... yea it's horrible" I laughed and spit it out "all I can think of is blood" "so drink it! Straight from the vein" we turned to Damon.

You'll make it as a vampire, as long as you listen to your so good boyfriend and not that raven haired idiot.

"No I'm doing this Stefan's way" Damon looked confused "fine have fun being a bunny killer" he walked out angrily. I turned to Stefan "I know you don't just eat bunnies" Stefan laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Stefan" "I love you too how about you go upstairs where it's dark" I nodded and kissed his lips walking up the stairs. When I walked into my room Nikole was sitting outside my bay window.

I laughed "thought u was going home" she didn't respond instead she opened my window and threw a rock at my bed

Italics is the memory

"Nikole what hell are you doing?" It was my voice but I didn't say it. "Invite me in Elena" "no! You might steal me in the night for your crazy ass brother" "twin brother but that's besides the point. Let me in" I got up off the bed and walked up to her "come in then" Nikole winked and walked through. "Cute very... you" I rolled my eyes "Nikole do you need something?"  She turned to me. We stared at each other for a while before she kissed me. "Elena I lo... like you. I like you a lot" I smiled "I like you too Nikole" this time I kissed her. After a few minutes she pulled away "Elena, we can't do this" my brows knitted "what are you talking about" she grabbed my face and leaned in as if she was gonna kiss me but instead "repeat after me, you won't remember this" "I won't remember this" "I was never here" "you were never here" she stroked my hair in a loving way "I like you so much Elena Gilbert" she kissed my lips once more before she disappeared.

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