Bring it On (part one)

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A/N: Ok so let me just give you all some background! I am a hardcore Stelena shipper so I never EVER watch past their breakup. Now my very first time watching TVD in it's entirety my aunt walked in on the part where Delena was having sex and I think I was like 11 at the time. Anyways she flipped and said I couldn't watch it so when I got back home I didn't remember what episode I was on so I just chose the last one Graduation. Therefore I have no clue what happens during the fourth season beside that no humanity Elena, Klayley has sex, and 🤢Delena happens🤮 If I get anything wrong then I apologize in advance I'm just gonna make my own story line until Graduation if that makes sense. Ok back to the story 💜

Nikole's POV
I watched her lay out all the cards and stared at them. "So what do they mean?" She looked me through her grey eyes "this one means your repressed" I half listened to the witch as she told me my fate " this one" I looked up our eyes meeting "you love someone but your afraid".

Elena. I know she was talking about Elena "yeah well I can't go back to her" "why?" "It's been like months since I last seen her! Besides she has this boyfriend who is perfect. They have this attachment to each other... if you didn't know any better it would appear that they were married" I sighed "well I'm just reading your cards so don't yell at me".

I watched as her caramel colored arm reached for the cards and I roughly grabbed her arm causing her to shriek "you're not your brother Nikole" I smirked "no... no I am not" I pulled her and she hit her head on the table. I smiled as I stood up throwing the money I owed her at her body.

"When she wakes up tell her I said thank you" I stepped over a dead body "Cedric I'll be back but please have this place cleaned up" he smiled "have fun" I winked at him "always".

Elena's POV
I opened my eyes to see that I was in Stefan's room. I stood up and saw I was wearing his shirt. I smiled to myself "Stefan?" "Lose the smile we didn't have sex" I rolled my eyes "way to ruin the fun" he sighed and looked at me in my eyes "what? You don't want to see me naked? I am your girlfriend Stefan" "you're not your self right now Elena and I don't want to give you false hope" "more like you don't want false hope but whatever".

I walked up to him and kissed his lips "I wish we had sex. You were very good in bed" I rubbed my hand down his chest "like extremely good" "yeah ok whatever you say Elena" I walked out smiling "see you at school Stef".

I walked to my house and saw that it was gone "shit" "need clothes?" I turned to see Damon. "What do you want?" "Stefan said you might need a ride but that he was done talking to you" "I'm good thanks" "come on I managed to take Stefan's money and he's got loads of it so how about we go on a shopping spree?"

I didn't want to do anything with Damon. "Okay" I walked up to his car and got in "your hot Damon" he smirked and sat in his lap and stared kissing him. He's so dumb he kissed me back. Once he was really into it I snapped his neck "idiot" I pushed him out the car and drove off.

Nikole's POV
I sat on the couch inside the store and watched the sales clerk try on different outfits for me. I heard the jingle meaning someone walked into the store "were closed so get the hell out" I continued sipping my drink hopping they would leave "nope my ex gave me good money" I knew that voice.

I turned my head to see Elena in a football jersey "nice outfit" I turned back around to see the clerk come out looking even more scared "ok you know what Jessie how about you go to the Grill and I'll lock up for you" I compelled her and she ran out quickly.

"So many clothes to try on" Elena walked in front of me "did Stefan call you?" I looked into Elena's eyes "are you humanityless?" She smirked "quick learner" she started swaying her hips and I cocked an eyebrow at her.

She slowly took (what I assumed to be Stefan's) jersey off slowly "yeah please stop" I chugged the rest of the alcohol down and got off the couch "you know what I'm good. I'll just take it all" I pulled my wallet out and walked to the cash register "wait you're actually paying?" "Yeah if I just take all these clothes then the economy might fail" I rang my black card up.

"I've only seen black cards in movies" I looked up at her through my lashes "well I stole it from Nik so don't get any ideas" I started walking out but I noticed she didn't move "are you coming or what?" She bent down to grab my clothes and followed me smiling.

"Can I ride you?" I stopped filling my trunk up with clothes and looked at her "you mean rude with me" she winked "yeah sure" I rolled my eyes and grabbed an outfit "put this on I'm taking you to school and while you're there try to be productive" she got in my car and as I started driving she got dressed.

Elena's POV
"Thanks for the ride babe" Nikole smiled at me "mhm" "I was surprised to see you" I'm glad I did tho "yeah we'll finish this talk after school" "see you after school" I got out her car and walked up to the dumb high school that I planned feeding on later.

Stefan casually placed his arm over my shoulders and he gave a fake smile "what are you doing Stefan" "you said you'd see me at school" "you're an idiot. Let's go see Caroline I wanna rejoin the cheer team".

After school

I walked into the gym with my new blue ribbon that I ate off of the other team. "Hey Caroline" "umm no! Where did you get that ribbon" "do you like it?" "NO! It's not even our school colors" I shrugged playing with my hair walking away.

Stefan's POV
I stood by the doors of the gym watching when I saw her. Her blonde hair and brown eyes seemed to sweet to belong to her. Today she was only wearing a black tshirt that came down to her knees but her boot went up to her knees.

She had her hair down and as she walked towards me I could see why I would have fell for her charm back in the 20's "Stefan!" "Nikole" "can we talk?" "If you stay right here" she rolled her eyes and pushed me out slamming me into the lockers.

The old janitor looked at us scared. She waited till he walked away before talking "what's wrong with your girlfriend" "she's not my girlfriend. I broke up with her last night because her humanity is off and I want her to have— "choices yeah I know Stefan! What are you going to do about her?" "About who?" Elena stood there in her cheer outfit smiling.

Nikole looked Elena in the eyes before slamming me back into the lockers only this time our lips locked. She finally pulled back and kissed down my neck running her hands up under my shirt while Elena and the other students came out of the gym staring. She pulled away and smiled.

She turned to Elena and winked at her "you should keep a tighter leash on your boyfriend" she grabbed my hand walked away. I heard Elena follow after a few seconds.

Nikole's POV
"I'm going to drops you losers off at your house Stefan and then I'm going to go and stab Klaus".

After I dropped them off I was finally sitting in front of Nik's mansion. It was dark now. I drove around trying to avoid this at all cost. I got out my car "you are not a chicken Nikolinal I walked up to the door and took a deep breath.

A/N: At this point I want to wave my hand and all my books be finished so I can move on. I don't know why I'm losing so much well motivation. This book will end around Graduation so we have a lot to cover 💜

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