She's Come Undone

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Nikole's POV
I was currently in my room that Stefan gave me showering. Damon and Stefan were downstairs doing whatever they were doing and I was waiting until we were going to torture her.

I heard a knock on my door and turned the water off. "Hold on!" I walked out my shower and saw Damon standing there "if I comment on your body would you tell Klaus?" I smiled and faced him still fully naked "go ahead I'm gay".

He laughed and laid on my bed. "Tips on big torture?" I slipped on my panties before putting on my bra. "Your feelings for her have to go out the window. Otherwise it won't work. I slipped on my grey sweater followed by my grey thigh high boots.

"Now come on let's go" Damon and I walked out together and went to find Stefan and Elena. "She's still sleeping but I've got some ideas" I smiled at Stefan and walked away.

Elena was sitting in a chair and I walked over to her. "What am I going to do with you?" Damon dropped something on the floor and Elena woke up.

"Good you're awake! We thought you could use a little sunshine" Stefan opened the curtains and Elena looked at her hand. "Looking for this?" Damon asked pulling her ring out "you know the rules, bad girls don't get nice jewelry" she rolled her eyes "you took my ring. I'm devastated and bored. Can I go back to solitary now?"

"No I kind of like you in the hot seat" Damon smirked looking up at me and and Stefan "whenever you're ready brother" Stefan put his hand in the curtain and Elena rolled her eyes "am I supposed to be scared?" "You will be! And when you are focus on that fear, it's the key to getting your humanity back" Elena scuffed "You're not gonna burn me" she said smiling.

"Well if he won't" I walked over to the curtain and pulled it open "I will" Elena started screaming and her arm caught on fire. Damon nodded at Stefan before putting the fire out. "Bet that feels better! How about a little gratitude or any human emotion whatsoever and we can stop this" Elena looked at me and I winked.

She started muttering and Damon leaned in close "I didn't quite catch that" Elena looked up at him angrily "I said I'm gonna kill you" "Bingo! See? There's a little rage I should've figured that would be the first emotion that came out of you I tend to pull that out of people" Stefan walked up to Elena.

"Elena look at me we don't wanna do this, OK? You can stop this right now it's your choice" Elena chuckled looking Stefan in his eyes " Kind of funny actually you being the one to pull back the curtain. I bet part of you enjoys it since, you know I dumped you and all" I could tell Stefan was hurt but I didn't intervene just yet.

"Wow that was downright vindictive see I think now we're breaking through that though candy shell and getting into that ooey gooey rich center of your humanity!" Damon smiled before continuing " This is good we should shine some light on the subject" Stefan said nothing he just walked over to the curtain.

Elena sighed "Let me guess" she looked over towards Stefan completely ignoring me "this is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me?" Stefan and Damon looked at one another. "Look I know what you're going through. After all you've done you're afraid to face the guilt you'll feel if you turned your emotions back on. The only way we can help you is to make the alternative hurt even worse" with that Stefan opened the curtains.

Elena started screaming and I thought about what we could do to speed up this process. I could try and shove my hand in her heart but "hi I don't mean to interfere it's just I happen to know that all they keep in this house is blood and booze..." Rebekah was here?

"I'll be right back" I walked out the room and went to the parlor to find my sister. "I think I might stay!" "Rebekah?" Both Caroline and Rebekah had shocked looks on their faces "Nikki?" "I thought you were in New Orleans" Rebekah looked away from me. "Matt mentioned her was failing classes and needed a study buddy" "you're failing!" Caroline basically yelled.

I grabbed Rebekah's hand and pulled her away as Caroline and Matt were talking. "Bex why aren't you in New Orleans?" She sighed "I've left our brothers and I'm leaving you too! Im done with this family" I felt my heart sink "Rebekah don't say that! Family is to remain together— "don't you dare talk to me about always and forever! Niklaus doesn't care about us and he doesn't care about you! Nikki you should do the smart thing and leave him too before you end up stuck just like Elijah".

"Rebekah— "no, I'm done" she walked back to Matt and Caroline. I watched her but said nothing. "Sorry about that but umm we could both help! All hands on deck! That's the motto around here right?" "We don't have a motto!" I walked over to them and grabbed a burger burning into Rebekah as I walked back to Elena and the Salvatores.

"You know what else blew?! Being sired to you! Going every day believing that I was in love with you! I remember every horrible moment of it and you were so scared that it wasn't real well guess what it wasn't! You were right so go ahead keep trying to get the old me back who knows? Maybe Stefan and I will give it another go" she looked at me as I was eating my burger "maybe I might even give Nikole a chance" I walked past her continuing to eat my burger thinking of Rebekah.

Suddenly Elena was at the window and her whole body was on fire. She was screaming and just before she died the Salvatores put her out. " I am the girl that you love. You wouldn't do anything to actually hurt me you just prove that. So what do I really have to be afraid of?" Stefan and Damon left shortly after but I stayed.

"Why won't you turn it on?" She looked up at me and I walked over to her. I shoved my hand in her chest and she screamed "what the hell?" "Do you know what happens if I were to pull?" I leaned in so we were nose to nose "stop... please" I saw actual fear in her eyes.

"Are you scared Elena" she reached her hand up and I cracked her neck. I let go of her heart and grabbed my burger continuing to eat.


"Hi Nikki" Katherine winked at me walking over to Elena's cell. She opened it and grabbed her "oh, honey you look awful" she threw her to the ground and I watched them interact.

"What the hell are you doing here?" "You're boyfriends invited me! They want to know if you still have a heart" Katherine pulled Elena up and shoved her hand in Elena's chest.

Poor Salvatores they don't know how to torture. I tuned out of their conversation and thought about Rebekah. She left our family she was leaving me. Elena opened her cell and walked out. I let her leave. "You're not gonna stop me?" I looked up at her "nope, have fun" she looked skeptical but walked out and I didn't move.

I stood up and walked out the basement. I felt a hole in my heart and I walked out the house. I got into my car and drove away. I wasn't going to go search for Elena I was going home. I grabbed my phone and called my brother.

"Nikolina?" "Nik I'm going to need that address after all. I'm coming home" I heard him sigh "sending it right now" "I love you Niklaus" I could almost hear him smile "I love you too Nikolina. I'll see you soon". I smiled and hang up. My heart was still heavy but this was the right thing. It was time for me to stop hiding in this dull town. Goodbye Elena.

A/N: I want to say thank you so much for 1k reads! I appreciate it so much 💜

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