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George's POV

Dream unconsciously leaned heavily against George.

"Dream?!" George shouted, his voice rising in panic.

I know you haven't decided to help us yet, but I'm trusting you to get us out of here.

Those were Dream's last words to him. George gripped the reins tighter. He wasn't going to let Dream down.

"We got him!" a voice shouted from far behind George.

Several men cheered. They continued to pursue George.

George looked for a quick escape. He frantically scanned the woods. All he saw were trees and shrubs. He let out a frustrated sigh. Dream started to fall to the right slightly.

George swore. He spotted a hidden cave a hundred yards ahead of him.

The men chasing them were far away, but close enough for George to hear their shouts.

George pushed the mare below him faster and turned sharply to the right. He looped around several trees and steered the horse into the barely noticeable cave.

He jerked the horse to a stop and jumped off. Dream slid into his arms and George dragged him into the corner. He quickly brought the horse deeper into the cave and didn't bother to tie her up.

The sweat drenched horse didn't look like she was going anywhere anyways.

George rushed to Dream and sat beside him. He lifted Dream's head onto his lap and stroked his face gently. He had to wait until the soldiers were gone before he could help Dream.

George heard horse steps thunder across the roof of the cave.

"Split up!" a man called.

Horse hooves thudded off in different directions. Two trotted above them and George heard talking. He strained to listen.

"That was an awesome shot Punz!" one of the men praised.

Punz?! George's heart thudded. What is Punz doing here?

Punz didn't acknowledge the compliment, instead he said, "I could've sworn that was the Prince. We've been looking for a month now. I know he's not dead. He's too tough for that."

George's heart warmed. The feeling of warmth disappeared, however, when he looked back to Dream.

Dream was still unconscious, the blood flow had decreased significantly. An arrow stuck out of both sides of his shoulder. That was a good sign, it meant the arrow didn't hit bone.

"How could they do this to you?" George whispered as he stroked Dream's hair.

"Let's go, Punz. There's no sigh of him or them here. Maybe the others will have had better luck."

Punz sighed, "Alright... we were so close. King Schlatt said he needed the Prince for something important."

The other guard muttered something in a language that George didn't recognize.

He heard horse hooves thunder away and George sighed in relief.

He sat in silence for a moment to see if the men would come back. The only sound was the horse's heavy breathing.

"I'll be right back," George whispered.

He got up and grabbed their empty water containers from the pack on the mare. George left the cave and went in search of supplies.

George jogged through the woods looking for a water source and a certain plant.

He found a small creek and filled the water jugs. He spotted the plant several feet beside him. George picked the plants quickly, taking as much as he could.

"Dittany," he murmured, "perfect."

Dittany, when made into a paste, acts as a powerful healing herb that would help heal Dream's wound. George sprinted back to the cave. Dream was still out cold.

He knelt beside Dream, biting his lip as he thought. George ripped Dream's shirt into pieces. He tossed aside the bloodied scraps and used saved the clean ones. His hand hovered over the arrow shaft.

"I hope this works." George winced as he grabbed the arrow and snapped it in half.

He slowly pulled both ends of the arrow out of each side of Dream's shoulder. Blood gushed out, but slowed after a few seconds.

George sighed in relief. He poured some of the water over the wound and washed the blood away. He used a strip of cloth and dried Dream's shoulder.

George grabbed the Dittany plants and started chewing them. The bitter taste filled his mouth and he almost spat it out.

Once the plant was in a paste, he spit it in his hands and gingerly rubbed it over the entrance and exit wounds of the arrows. He wrapped Dream's shirt around the wounds.

When he was finished George leaned against the cave wall and put his head in his hands.

He sighed and felt tears travel down his cheeks. George sniffed and wiped them away. He looked at Dream with worry.

He had done all he could. Now he had to wait for Dream to do his part. Dream had to wake up.

He observed Dream for hours. Dream didn't move, the only sign he was alive was the slow rise and fall of his chest.

George's stomach growled loudly. He realized he hadn't eaten in a while. George grumbled and stood up. He hesitated before leaving the cave.

He didn't want to leave Dream, but they would need food.

George took the saddle off of the sweat covered horse and grabbed the her reins. He took her with him. He didn't ride her, but George figured she needed water and food as well.

George grabbed the empty waters jugs and headed back into the woods. He looked for a while before finding anything useful. He didn't have anything to hunt with, so he had to rely on nature.

He stopped at the creek again and filled the jugs. He drank all of one and refilled it. The mare eagerly drank beside him. George poured some water on her back and gave her a small bath.

The loyal horse stayed with him, she didn't run away when he let go of the reins. George smiled. She must really have a connection to Dream.

He spotted an apple tree and grinned. He picked several apples. George fed the horse a few and looked around some more.

He stumbled upon a berry bush. George grinned tiredly and went to eat one when he paused.

He inspected the fruit cautiously. He rubbed it against his wrist. When no reaction occurred, he popped the berry into his mouth.

His eyes closed as he enjoyed the sweet taste. George yanked a large, curved strip of bark off a tree. He picked the bush clean of berries, placing them in the bowl-like bark, and headed back to the cave, the horse following behind.

The sun was slowly setting. The forest was illuminated in the soft light. George walked back into the cave. His legs almost gave out from exhaustion.

He put the water and berries on the ground and fell asleep within seconds against the cave wall, opposite of Dream.


a/n - so George is smart-smart? Huh, no one told me

It's kinda hot ngl

*clears throat* uh, yeah, whatever

I am sleep deprived so I'm going to bed now

Good night. Remember I love all of you! <3

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