Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sun in my eyes and a cold foot on my back. I glanced at the clock next to me. It read 7:45. The jet-lag was killing me, and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I slid out of the bed and padded to the bathroom.

'If I can sleep anymore, might as well try to shake this lag..' I thought, turning on the shower and pulling my shirt off. I stepped under the warm water and started to think about the day ahead

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**beep beepbeep beep beepbeep**

'Get yourself up!' my mom yelled up the stairs. 'Don't want to be late for the last day before break!'

I groaned and sat up. Even though she was right, I still wanted to retreat back under by pile of blankets. I pulled myself out of bed and slumped to the bathroom. After fighting my short, brown curls, I grabbed some jean shorts and a t-shirt out of my closet and ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

'So Mom,' I started, hoping she was in a good mood.

'Yes Em?' she called from across the kitchen, as I grabbed a bowl for my cereal.

'So the band I like might possibly kind of come to Maine...' I hesitated. 'Can I go?'

Silence was her response. Until..

'I don't see why not; you're going on break and you've been very good with your school work and what not. Sure, if they come to Maine, you can go see them.'

I hugged her and then ran upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my phone, then back down to the bus stop.

I stayed on twitter the entire bus ride, scrolling through various tweets from Foooers when my phone buzzed with a tweet from the Fooo account

@thefooomusic: Alright, the cities we're going to.....will be announced in the next five minutes!

I exhaled harder than normal in frustration. They love to tease us.

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