Chapter Nine

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The boys must have been starving, they ate almost two pizzas by themselves! After we all finished, all four boys stood up and fought over who would do the dishes.
'I'll do it! I'm already up!' Oscar said, taking his plate back from Ogge.
'Well, I've got most of the plates!' Ogge retorted.
'You both lose! I'm already at the sink!' Felix laughed.
My mom and I looked at Daff, shaking with laughter.
'Well. I think you all lose. I've already started loading the dishwasher!' Omar yelled triumphantly. The other boys whipped around to look at him, and then continue to fight over who would do what.
'Thats enough, boys! You're my guests, so I will do the dishes,' my mom said still laughing. 'Thank you very much for offering though! You five can go; Emma, why don't you show them around and then hangout down stairs with a movie?'
'Sounds awesome!' All four said at the same time.
'Alright then!' I said. 'What first, you guys?' I questioned, hoping they wouldn't ask for my room.
They looked a each other, and as if they had read my mind, the crazy boys all said

DilemmaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ