Chapter Six

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I woke up to the front door slamming shut.

'Shit, it's gotten worse,' my mom muttered.

I got up and walked to the kitchen window, and I swear, the trees were starting to grow sideways.

'Mom? What did I miss?' I yelled up the stairs and she stopped halfway up. She came back down, soaked from the incoming storm.

'I was driving around the neighbourhood talking to.. the manager guy?' She looked at me questioningly.

'Daff; go on,' I answered.

'Yeah, and they've been on the road for 9 hours and are near the New York and Vermont line. He sent me text about half an hour ago. You were asleep when I came back so I stopped by the store and grabbed us some pizza fixings.'

I grabbed an umbrella and walked with my mom back to the car, fighting the wind and the pelting rain.

Once we were back inside and dry, I grabbed my phone. A text from Hannah, some game notification, and..

Message from Omar

Message from Omar

Message from Omar

I quickly typed in my password and went straight to twitter. I had maybe five messages from Omar.

'Shit shit shit,' I breathed, opening his DMs.

Omar: Can't wait to meet you :)

Omar: Emma? Did you die?

Omar: Oh no, I killed her! Em, come back please :(

I quickly typed in a response, explaining that I had fallen asleep, and asking where he was.

Emma: I am sososo sorry Omar!! I fell asleep! Don't hate me :(

I immediately got a response, but not from Omar.

Omar: He couldn't hate youuu aha :) -Felix

Emma: Yes he could! I fell asleep on him!

Omar: Hey! Sorry about that, Felix stole my phone when I wasn't looking?

Emma: Lol hi Felix! So where are you guys?



We had been driving for around three hours since Daff sent the message to Emma's mom, and we were almost to her house.

'Felix, call Emma's mom and tell her we're about 30 minutes from their place,' Daff said, eyes trying to find the road through the torrent of rain.

'Aye-aye, Captain,' he said, rolling his eyes and picking up Daff's phone. 'Hello! We're about 30 minutes away from you and Daff wanted to let you know.. Ok, cool! She doesn't know, right? Awesome! We'll be there soon!'

I went back to my phone and noticed she had DMed me back.

Emma: I am sososo sorry Omar!! I fell asleep! Don't hate me :(

I blushed and started to type back a response when Felix snatched my phone out of my hands.

'Um, excuse me! Give it back!' I said, pushing him over on to the seat. He laughed, typing something quickly and glancing up at me. My phone buzzed in his hands and I grabbed it back and looked at what he had sent her.

Omar: He couldn't hate youuu aha :) -Felix

Emma: Yes he could! I fell asleep on him!

Omar: Hey! Sorry about that, Felix stole my phone when I wasn't looking?

Emma: Lol hi Felix! So where are you guys?

'Yeah, where exactly are we?' Felix said, reading over my shoulder.

'Ten minutes from her house. But you can't tell her that. Make sure Oscar and OG are alive, they've been silent for the past 4 hours.' Daff said, turning his windshield wipers to 'high'.

I shot a glance towards the back; Oscar and Ogge were passed out and leaning on each other.

'Yeah they're just asleep,' I said, going back to my girl.

Omar: honestly? I have NO clue where we are. But hopefully, I'll see you soon :)

DilemmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon