Chapter Three

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We were sat around the little table in our makeshift kitchen discussing the locations for our American tour.

'Well, we have, like, three months for just America, if we do...' Felix stopped to do the math.

'Keep in mind, we've already put down 2 weeks for NYC and a week for LA,' Daff interjected and making Felix think even harder.

'That's 9 weeks left, we can choose 8 cities, two each,' I said, looking around at all the still-lagged people around me and then going back to my twitter.

'All of us have basically gotten the same cities tweeted to us,' Oscar said. 'So, how about we all choose two?'

Everyone got out their phones and started scrolling through the mass of tweets. I had a lot of the normal cities, like Miami and LA, but one caught my eye.

@maine.foooer: how about coming to Portland? :)

'Guys, I found my two!' Felix yelped excitedly. 'We've never been to Virginia Beach or Dallas!'

'I got mine, too,' Ogge mumbled. 'Miami and Chicago.'

I hesitated just a bit. 'How about Portland and New Orleans?'

They just smiled and said 'Hell yeah!' and then Oscar gave his two: San Francisco and Nags Head.

We went back through and favourited the first tweets with our locations in them. That's when I saw her.... well, her profile picture. Short, brown curls shining and a great, big smile. I knew then we absolutely had to go to Portland. I favourited her tweet and hesitated before clicking the follow button.

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I was halfway through lunch when my phone lit up; when I glanced down, I dropped my sandwich in shock, my mouth hanging open. It was already in my hand when it dinged for the second time.


My table stopped all motion. They looked to each other and then stared at me with big eyes.

'Say that one more time,' my friend Hannah said, mouth hanging open. I shoved my phone is her face and she squealed.

'THAT IS INSANE WHAT DID HE FAVOURITE LET ME SEE,' she said all in one breath, reaching for my phone.

'No way, I've gotta see what happened!!' I clicked on the notification and almost cried.

'He, he , they favourited my 'come to Portland' tweet!! OH MY GOD!' I immediately switched to my text messages and texted my mom

To: Momm

**You will not BELIEVE what just happened

From: Momm



--NO! You're lying, prove it

I rolled my eyes, and sent her the picture of the two notifications

**Believe me now?

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