Chapter Four

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The day went by in a blur, I probably bombed that math test in fifth period, I was so distracted by the possibility of THE FOOO coming to PORTLAND!

AHHHH I'm so excited, this can't even be a dream, it's too good to be a dream. I was so zoned out on the bus that if it hadn't been for Hannah, I would have missed my stop.

I jumped off of the last step and raced towards my front door, knowing my mother was home and I was ready to tell her the news.

I stepped into the house as my phone began to buzz. I whipped it out of my back pocket and stared in amazement as a blue banner flashed across the bottom of my screen.

Message from Omar

Eyyo! You might have guessed by now, but we chose PORTLANDD :)

'MOM,' I yelled, running up the stairs and straight into her room.


'WHATWHATWHAT EMMA?' she yelled back.

'So the picture I sent you. I WAS RIGHT OMAR MESSAGED ME AND THEY'RE COMING TO PORTLAND!' I shoved the DM in her face and she grabbed the phone, her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

'Emma, look at your messages,' my mom said, eerily calm. I took the phone back from her and started to cry, happy tears streaming down my face.

Omar: So that'll probably be our fourth stop, right after Virginia Beach.

Emma: That's amazing! Thank you so much! :)

'MOM IT'S REALLY HAPPENING; THEY'RE REALLY COMING' I yelled at the top of my lungs.

A blue banner flashed across my screen once more.

Message from Omar

Mind showing us around when we get there? (;

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