1 - Blood Lust

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1 - Blood Lust

Briefly fixing his suit and tie, the demon walked through the night like he usually did. But the difference of tonight was that his sharp eyes were set onto a small group in front of him.

The only thing that was heard throughout the night were his heavy steps that were pushing him closer to where he had to make his presence known.

The vampires were making too much of a ruckus by leaving too many bodies in too short of a time. Bloody and rough deaths were the reality of the nearby humans and Calum knew that he had to do something about it because no one else would.

Calum was a demon full of integrity and responsibility. He was a sole believer of keeping the supernatural world hidden away from the common eyes of the humans like it should be.

The humans were the prey. But they would only remain as so if the predators were remained a secret.

There was no way to protect against a predator if the prey knew nothing about them, including their existence.

"Stop." He ordered darkly as soon as he stopped in front of the vampires who were right in the middle of a darkened street with one dead women being tossed around the group of three.

The three of their red eyes instantly met Calum's black pair, making one of them chuckle out darkly and step forwards to face the demon that was interrupting their fun of the night.

The devious vampire stood right in front of the polished demon, smirking as a challenge. The vampire was covered in blood and black, ripped clothes while the demon was dressed in a perfectly clean and professional suit.

The two monsters lived in different worlds.

"Or what?" The vampire finally asked, motioning for the other two to continue.

"Or I'll end you right now." Calum easily threatened. He didn't have the time to baby around some reckless group of vampires.

"Oh I'm scared." The vampire sarcastically said with a dry laugh.

He didn't appreciate a random demon interrupting him while he was feeding and having his night of fun.

"You will be if you continue to patronize me." Calum basically growled out not appreciating the disrespect coming from the vampire.

"Get lost." The vampire rolled his eyes both uninterested and annoyed, turning his back to the demon like he was absolutely nothing compared to him.

Calum did not appreciate that either.

He harshly grabbed the vampire's shoulder, pulling him back and turning him around to face him once again.

The vampire glared at him due to the unwanted touch, threatening with just his deadly look to get his hands off of him.

"Don't you dare turn your back to me."

"And don't you dare touch me." The vampire spat, roughly pushing the demon away, "Are you asking to be torn apart?"

"That's it." Calum growled out completely enraged.

He usually didn't lose his patience so easily, but this vampire in front of him was a complete nuisance. The pale monster with blood covering himself held too much cockiness and an inaccurate sense of invincibility.

He pulled out a wooden stake from his suit's inside pocket, stepping forwards to end this pathetic vampire's existence.

But the vampire only quirked an eyebrow from the threat and instead dryly laughed again, "One demon against three newly fed vampires. How dumb."

Calum knew that it was indeed a dumb move, since vampires were the strongest after consuming blood. But he was blinded by anger from the disrespect of the vampire.

Calum was a respected demon. People were very much aware of who he was and how powerful he was. He never faced this type of disrespect.

Dealing with this vampire for only ten minutes was breaking his sense of control.

"Fun's over, boys." The vampire said to the other two, "We have a pathetic demon to deal with instead."

The other two vampires understood the order, throwing the dead woman to the ground like some piece of trash. They stood to the right of the leader of the small group, awaiting for his word.

But Calum kept his eyes on the first one. He glared at him in silence, scanning over the vampire's cocky smirk with distaste.

This vampire was rude in all the wrong ways. He'd gladly end this creature's days with no remorse from his wooden stake.

"Take him. Don't kill him...yet." The vampire smirked with pure evil drowning his red eyes that scanned over the demon not subtly what-so-ever.

The other two instantly made their move onto the demon, obeying the one in charge.

Calum would rather just kill the other vampire, but if these two were in his way to do so then they would have to die a second death as well.

The tallest out of them all tried to hit the stake out of his hand, but Calum quickly twirled the stake in his hand and moved it away from the vampire.

He instead tried to stab him in the chest with it, but the other vampire grabbed his arm and pushed him away just as he was going to pierce the tall vampire's heart.

Both came at him at the same time, making him narrow his eyes at the threat. But Calum easily kept up with the fight as the vampires gave their best. He could tell that they were even getting tired in an annoyed way.

Even in their most powerful state of being newly fed they couldn't take him down.

So when the first vampire that started it all suddenly snuck up behind Calum while he was fighting off the other two and quickly snapped his neck, it wasn't because they were stronger. It was only because they were able to trick him.

But none of the vampires cared once the strong demon was unconscious and on the ground. They defeated him, even if it wasn't that fair.

Michael hummed in thought when the other two stared at him expectantly, scanning over the demon.

"Bring him with us."

"What for?" The one with curly blonde hair asked softly, worried.

"For my personal entertainment. I'm bored during the days." Michael explained briefly, making the tall one chuckle knowingly.

"You're going to imprison him for your mere want?" He asked amused.

Michael met the others question with a cocky grin, "That and an endless amount of blood if we keep him away from his little mission of stopping us."

"You're addicted, Michael." He said with a playful scoff.

"I'm not addicted. It's a blood lust."

"Whatever." The tall one rolled his eyes uninterested, "Let's get out of here before he awakes. He'll try to fight his way out as soon as he is conscious."

"I'm looking forward to it."


What do you think of the demon? And the vampires?

They're already off to such a great start together!!!  Please note the sarcasm there.

Hope you liked it. 🖤


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