25 - I Want To Be Yours

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25 - I Want To Be Yours

Sidin was right about having Calum's scent engraved into his brain once time went by.

He never realized it, since Calum would always come to him. But when he looked for the demon, it didn't take him that long to pinpoint a certain scent to a room that was in a part of the castle he'd never been to.

The section was different with how empty it seemed to be. The rest of the castle was littered with art and precious designs that created a character for the castle.

But in this hallway, it was empty. It was only black walls and black floors. There were no pieces of art nor any pieces of furniture.

There were only endless doors that were all closed, creating endless thoughts and questions for Michael.

He was intrigued about why this section of the castle was so different. There had to be a reason why. Every single other section and hallway was littered with design and taste.

But this one didn't have any.

And since Michael tracked Calum's scent to a door right in the middle of the hallway, Michael could only assume that was the demon's room.

Why was the section Calum resided in so plain? Why did it differ—not in a good way—from the rest of his castle? All of these questions were forming in his head at once and Michael was too preoccupied with them.

He was so preoccupied with them that he forgot why he was even looking for the demon in the first place.

He was so preoccupied that he even managed to not notice when the demon exited his room and made his way behind the vampire.

The demon chuckled darkly once he wrapped his arms around Michael's back from behind, placing his chin on top of Michael's shoulder.

This made Michael jump slightly from the sudden touch, since he was so in-depth with his thoughts.

"Why so jumpy?"

"I was thinking is all."

"About what?"

"About this hallway. Why is it so different than the others?"

Michael waited for his answer, moving his hands down to grab onto Calum's that was on his stomach.

"You're so analytical." Calum laughed.

"I'm not. It's just so drastically different."

"This is where I reside. My room lays here, so I keep this hallway off limits. If you were anyone else, my dear, you'd be in great amounts of trouble."

"Why is it so...plain then? I would think it would be the most extravagant hallways of the whole castle if it was the one you were always in."

"I left it plain because I was always alone. I never knew if I was going to have someone to share it with. In case I did, however, I left it plain in order to get situated together. It is now our hallway, to be fair."

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