3 - The Dangerous Vampire

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3 - The Dangerous Vampire

Staring at the curtain covered window in front of him, Michael was stuck in a silent trance within himself.

As the days passed by, the urge to reach forwards and pull the curtains back was becoming more and more tempting.

He didn't want to end his eternity. He just wanted to feel the sunlight against his skin again.

The darkness was all Michael knew and he wished that it wasn't going to be the unfortunate reality of his non-living life.

But Michael knew better than to have hope. He couldn't touch the sunlight and he never would be able to again.

"That demon better be dead within a week." Luke instantly seethed out when he entered the room Michael was in. But Michael didn't bother looking back at the other vampire as the other continued to complain.

"How dare he speak back to me when he's the one who is trapped here? He's lucky that I don't tear him apart right now as we speak! I hate him already."

Michael only hummed out as his response, continuing to stare at the dark blue curtains that kept him away from his dream.

He eventually turned around, seeing the softening look on Luke's face.

"You're doing it again. Aren't you?"

"Doing what?"

"The whole depressing 'I want to go outside' stare that you do once in a while."

"I don't do that." Michael glared at him and stepped away from the window, motioning for Luke to follow him out of the room.

"I remember how much you loved the sun, Mike. You can talk to me about it you know."

"I suggest you stop speaking before I throw you into the sun for me." Michael said sternly when he continued his small walk into the kitchen.

Luke instantly became quiet after that because he knew that Michael wasn't afraid to live up to his threats.

Michael opened the fridge and grabbed a blood bag, looking at Luke expectantly, "Do you want one?"

"No..." Luke said before warily starting again, "We just fed last night, Mike."

Michael met Luke's worried stare with his own of disinterest, ripping the bag's top off.

"Anyways your demon is a nuisance." He continued when he remembered how angry he was regarding the demon they were holding captive.

"Is he now?"

"He called me an imbecile. Then he threatened to tear my heart out his chest and to make me vomit it up."

Michael couldn't help but to laugh lightly from this, making Luke narrow his eyes dangerously at the vampire.

"It isn't funny."

"I know. He's just definitely our most spirited captive."

"'Spirited captive.' What kind of description is that for a murderous demon that will defiantly try to kill us during any and all slip ups?"

"That's why there will be no slip ups, Luke." Michael glared at the blonde, "You're going to watch over Ashton and make sure he doesn't mess it up like last time. If he does then we're dead and it's on you."

"It's on me that you brought someone else in after what happened last time? It's on me if Ashton proves to be weak again?" Luke asked in disbelief, watching in anger as the other just casually kept consuming blood from the bag in his hand.

"Watch him." Michael said sternly, "You're the most important babysitter. Congratulations, Luke."

"You're a dick." Luke rolled his eyes.

"I'm ensuring that we don't die. You're welcome you ungrateful brat."

"Why don't you watch him then?"

"Because I don't have the time or patience to deal with Ashton. I'll end up killing him myself if I do."

"Who says that I won't?" Luke yelled out, "He angered me as much as he did to you when he pulled that stunt last time."

"And he's still paying for that. Isn't he?" Michael smirked knowingly at Luke, finding the fact that Ashton is still struggling as an entertainment.

"He's still our friend."

"He'll be my friend again once he proves where his loyalty stands."

"After all this time together you still don't trust him? Even after what he did I still trust him and love him as a brother. You don't?"

"No." Michael said with no hesitation, "He's too humane. He still believes in the good of people and monsters. He thinks that the three of us could ever be who we once were."

"He's just...optimistic, Mike. Even with the blood and tears he's a good person. As long as he keeps holding onto that hope then he'll be the same Ashton that we know and love."

"How heartwarming." Michael said sarcastically.

Luke surged forwards, throwing the bag out of Michael's hands and stepping forwards to glare warningly at him, "This whole 'I don't care about anyone anymore' persona is going to result in you losing your friendship with Ashton. He's afraid of you. You've changed too much."

Michael quickly gripped onto Luke's wrist and violently twisted in until a loud crack was heard and once Luke yelled out in pain.

"If you ever touch me like that again then I'll show you exactly why Ashton is so afraid of me now." He warned with an evil darkness flooding his red eyes.

Luke watched with widened eyes when he didn't see any remorse or any lie in Michael's words or actions.

Ashton was right. Michael had changed and it wasn't for the best.

But why? Why did Michael change so much?

Why didn't he hold anymore humanity?

Being a murderer doesn't mean that a person is completely evil. Being a vampire doesn't mean that a person loses who they were once before.

But Michael proved these both wrong. He was evil, holding no humanity, and proving to be a monster.

And for once Luke didn't even have it in him to fight back or to show off his anger.

He just glanced at Michael in a shocked silence before exiting out of the room with no other words being said.

Michael wasn't his friend that he could count on anymore. He was a brutal leader that would act with total violence if any disobedience was displayed to him.

Luke realized that he was going to have to change as well. He wouldn't turn into Ashton who was deathly afraid of Michael ever since he disobeyed him last.

He had to obey and remain quiet for the sake of his eternity.


What do you think about Michael? 👀 He's a little scary. 😏


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