7 - On the Hunt

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7 - On the Hunt

With fiddling hands and fingers, Ashton wasn't looking forwards to the night.

He followed Luke and Michael through the night, knowing what was in store for them and whatever poor souls they may run into.

The vampire didn't like this life and all the things it contained. Ashton didn't like the prowl, the hunt,...the kill.

He's never liked blood, especially as a human in his mortal life. But now he was supposed to love blood; he was supposed to kill for it.

But he still couldn't phantom the hysteria for blood.

He would never want it or desire it. But it was in his nature. Ashton had to consume blood or else he would disappear from the face of the earth for the rest of eternity.

And no matter how much Ashton said he disliked this life and wished it wasn't his reality, he still couldn't build up the courage to leave it behind.

He stopped when the other two did, keeping his needed distance from the leader of the small group.

Ashton was a silent follower, hoping to be ignored and thrown away to the side as much as possible. He let Luke take the spotlight as the precious sidekick to Michael.

He felt sick to the stomach when he saw the other two's eyes latch onto a small human girl who was walking on the other side of the street.

She couldn't be anything older than twenty years old, innocently making her way home after a long day presumably from college.

Ashton felt so guilty. These were innocent lives they were taking away like it was nothing. They were innocent lives that Michael loved to take away.

"Are you joining in this time or are you still on your vegan diet?" Luke joked when he glanced towards Ashton.

Ashton didn't even get the chance to respond.

"He's joining." Michael said darkly, telling Ashton that he didn't have a choice.

It was the girl or it was him.

The three crossed the desolate street, following the oblivious girl who didn't notice the dangerous creatures that were hidden by the darkness.

Michael nodded towards Luke, giving the blonde the permission he was basically begging for. He surged forwards, grabbing the girl by her hair and yanking her head to the side in order to expose the side of her neck.

Luke moved all too fast for the girl to even scream. He sunk his fangs into her flesh, consuming her blood with no remorse.

Ashton cringed when he heard the girl's panicking cries of pain and smelt the overwhelming scent of blood.

"Give her to me." Michael ordered, not giving Luke a second to obey and instead ripping the barely living girl into his own arms.

He took his turn, consuming her blood with no remorse. The demon he had trapped in his dungeon was causing too much stress; Michael needed this evil and violent relief. But even though he was a selfish man, he was more cruel than so.

So the vampire forced himself to stop, holding the unconscious woman in his arms and basically throwing her into Ashton's arms instead.

It wasn't a secret that Ashton hated feeding the most out of everything they now had to endure.

"It's your turn."

Ashton stared at the blood that was covering the woman, feeling the want overcloud everything else. He still felt guilt and sorrow, but for a split second he felt his vampire nature take over. And with just one second he lost the battle.

He sunk his own fangs into the victim, taking her blood as his and enjoying the taste of every drop. Ashton didn't even realize what he was doing or what he had done until his small blackout ended.

He only remembers staring at the dead body with guilt overcoming himself. He could only remember Michael sending him a small smirk when he said, "Dump the body."

Luke sent him a sad smile before following Michael into the darkness and leaving Ashton with the body.

Luke cared about both of his friends and he saw both sides.

Michael was tormented, but he was pure evil now. Luke would be dumb to turn against him, but he also still cared about one of his best friends.

And Ashton...Luke felt so bad for him. Ashton had taken their immortal change the worst. He hated what they've become. He hated himself.

But there was nothing Luke could do. He was stuck as much as Ashton was in the situation.

Turning against Michael was basically a death wish and Luke didn't wish to die all over again.

With heavy steps, Michael ventured back into the darkened streets on the hunt for his next victim who wouldn't get it as easy as the woman who just died.

"Where are we going?" Luke asked when he saw Michael storming off with a purpose.

"On the hunt for a human."


"Another." Michael declared.

"But...we just fed?" Luke asked hesitantly.

"I'm aware, Luke." Michael basically spit out angered before explaining, "If that bloody demon wants to constantly battle against me then I'll simply get another play toy."

"You're going to dispose of the demon?"

"No. It's time to expand the toy collection."

"You're going to have two at once?"

"Yes. The demon needs to see what awaits him in order to finally scare him into pure fear for his future."

"He really isn't afraid of you?" Luke asked amazed.

He thought Michael was the scariest person he's ever met, and he's literally his best friend who took it easier on him.

"Not an ounce of fear is ever sensed off of him. I need to kick him off his high horse."

"By torturing a human in front of him?"

Michael glanced at Luke while they continued to walk, grinning darkly with the thoughts of finally taking Calum down swarming throughout his head, "Precisely."


I hope that the frequent updates aren't too annoying !! 💔 I've been binge writing this story a lot lately.


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