13 - A Deal with a Demon

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13 - A Deal with a Demon

Being away from blood for such a long time wasn't something Michael has ever experienced before.

He felt the withdraws and it was burning his whole body. He craved it; he needed it.

Vampires were vicious when it came to blood. It was in his nature to constantly want it and Michael had never been without it before.

He would always take it without any concern or second guess. But now he was unable to get any and he was alone to wither away in pain.

His mouth was dry, his throat was itching, and his whole body felt like it was in flames. He didn't know what was going to happen if he didn't get blood soon.

Michael didn't know if he could pass even another day with this type of pain.

It had been almost a week without blood and since Calum had last seen him. He didn't want to but if he had to beg for blood—at this point—then he was going to have to.

He immediately looked up from where he was chained when he heard movement in the room. He saw the demon walking in cooley like he didn't have Michael starving.

"Calum." Michael's voice croaked out, "I need blood."

The demon didn't respond. He only stood in front of the vampire with an unimpressed stare. If Michael wanted something then he was going to have to put much more effort into it.

"Calum!" Michael yelled out, trying to inch forwards. But he was stopped by the chains.

It was getting worse and worse for Michael. The burning was becoming more intense. He couldn't take it.

"Calum." Michael whined lowly, sharply closing his eyes when he felt all the need for blood flood throughout his body. The chains were the only things keeping him standing upright. Otherwise he'd be a powerless mess on the ground.

"Shhh." He heard Calum shush him before he felt a warm hand grab his cheek gently.

"I can't do it. It's too much. It hurts." The vampire whined out in agony, moving his cheek more into the hand for any comfort he could possibly receive.

"Are you really that desperate for blood already? It's barely been a week my darling."

"I need it, Calum. It's tearing me apart. I feel like I'm on fire."

"Open your eyes for me."

Michael slowly fluttered his eyes open. He didn't have any energy to fight Calum's orders.

"You've been too used to consuming blood at too fast of a rate."

"I don't care! I need some." He said in disbelief and pain.

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