9 - Let's Make a Deal

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9 - Let's Make a Deal

Calum was annoyed.

It had been four days since Michael was last down with him.

It had been four days with him being forced to share this room with the rotting, dead body right next to him.

Calum has seen death in his lifetime. It didn't gross or freak him out. It was just mildly unfortunate and he didn't prefer it.

So when he heard the door open and a pair of footsteps, he growled out in annoyance. His eyes were closed from tiredness. He was getting to the point where he would have fed by now.

"Get this damn retched body out of here."

"That's why I was sent down here."

He opened his eyes when he heard the different than usual voice. He saw Ashton nervously standing there in front of him, offering him a small smile.

"Ashton." Calum hummed in interest, since he hadn't seen the vampire in a good amount of time now.

"How are you doing?" The vampire guiltily asked.

He hated that the demon was still there and forced to face Michael's wrath.

"I'd be swell if I were out of these chains."

"I'm sorry." Ashton frowned.

"Get me out, Ashton." Calum ordered the vampire softly. He needed out of here already. He was a sly man and demon. His words were going to be what got him out of here and he was ready to use them.

"I can't."

"Yes you can."

"I can't. If I let you out then you'll just kill them and me."

"I'm a man of my words, Ashton. Do you believe me? Do you trust me when I say that?"

Ashton hesitantly nodded his head yes. He was such an easy creature to trick and manipulate.

"Good." Calum grinned, "Then let's make a deal."

Making deals was what he did. He was a demon after all.

"You let me out of these and you'll be rewarded for your cooperation. You'll be left completely unharmed and I'll make sure you'll stay safe by brining Michael alongside with me. You and Luke will be fine without him for the time."

"I can't live with the guilt of Michael getting killed over me, even if he frightens and angers me to death."

"Oh don't you worry, Ashton. I won't kill him."

"You won't?" Ashton asked hopefully.

"I wouldn't dream of killing him now. Before? Yes. But now I won't be able to."

"What will you do with him then?"

"If he won't die then you don't have to be concerned about what I'll do with him. But I can assure you that it will fix him. I'll get back the old Michael for you."

"So if I let you go..." Ashton thought it over, "You won't harm me or Luke. And you won't kill Michael?"

"Precisely. It's the only fair and reasonable offer at the table, Ashton. Take it before it's too late for any of you."

"You promise you'll live up to your word if I let you go?"

"I promise."

Ashton scanned the demon over, thinking about what he was going to do.

What Calum had to offer was all he wanted. He wanted freedom away from Michael. It was what both him and Luke needed, even if Luke would say the opposite.

Somehow and someway, Michael needed to be taught a lesson. Ashton had a feeling that Calum could provide the vampire with a harsh, but needed reality check.

He felt like he could trust Calum. The demon claimed he was a man of his word and Ashton didn't have any reason to doubt it.

So he hesitantly nodded before stepping to the table containing knives, but also containing the carelessly tossed keys. He grabbed them, hearing their soft jingles while he walked back to the demon.

He stopped in front of the demon, reaching up to place the key in the chain's lock. Before turning it, he looked into Calum's anticipating eyes.

"I'm trusting you, Calum."

He then turned the lock, stepping away and letting the chains fall from the ceiling. Calum immediately tore the chains off his wrists and tossed them to the ground.

He looked up at the obviously nervous vampire, smirking devilishly in success before suddenly appearing in front of Ashton.

The vampire jumped back, but the demon didn't allow him to go anywhere. Calum grabbed onto Ashton's shoulders harshly to keep him there in front of him.

"Only give your trust to those who both deserve it and have earned it, Ashton. If you blindly give your trust to any soul then you will be killed." Calum warned darkly, "I'm a starving and angered demon. And you just let me right out of my cage with you right in my path."

"I-I'm sorry." Ashton nervously said. He was utterly scared for what was going to happen to him now. It was probably the end of him.

But Calum slowly stepped away, smirking even more when Ashton looked at him confused.

"But luckily for you, I was telling the truth when I said I'm a man of my word. I intend to keep my side of the bargain."

"Thank you." Ashton basically said breathlessly, relieved that him and his only friends weren't going to ripped apart to pieces.

"Is Michael in?"

"Luke should be in his room. I'll fill him in and make sure he doesn't interfere with whatever you need to do. Michael should be in the living room."

"Thank you for the cooperation, Ashton. I appreciate your response to my situation. I'd even go large lengths to say you're the most humane vampire I have met so far in my immortal years."

"It's been too much, Calum. Just be careful with him. He might seem like a careless and evil monster, but he's much worse than that. You'll see it all and you'll know what I mean."

"I'll bring him back eventually." Calum promised, not wanting to take away Ashton's friend, "But only once I've put him in his place."


Calum is free!!! With the intent of leaving and taking Michael with him. 😏


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