35: Liar

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She watches from the corner, her head peaking out to look into the dimly lit room.

It was two in the morningㅡ almost three, but the seven month old child had been woken up by the continous loud sounds coming from the kitchen area.

Diligently and stealthily, the pink and black haired child had climbed out of her own crib and waddled out the hallways with her half-filled bottle of milk in hand, successfuly having not woken her five year old brother who she shared the same room with.

Hiding in the corner, she watched and listened to the two people in the room arguing, her infant face void of any emotions as she stares at them.

This wasn't anything new to her. Almost every night, between midnight and three in the morning, they always fought. How her grandfather and older brother hadn't woken up once by them was beyond her.

This time however, is the first she's ever got up and walked to investigate the comotion. Only now did she realize it was her parents.

She never expected that. They looked so sweet and loving to each other when the sun was up and everyone was awake. There must've been a crack somewere in the picture no one noticed.

"Kaori, please! Calm down.!"

The calm voice of her father broke through the sound of plates being smashed to the ground. It was silent for a moment before another sound of a marble plate broke, followed by a shuffling of socked feet much closer to where she was hiding in the corner. "You'll wake papa the kids up.."

Finally, the smashing of plates had come to a stop. A sigh echoed in the semi-empty room, one low and like honey but held a hint of something as sharp as a razor: pleasing to the ears yet dangerous.

The child retreat her head and fully hid in the shadows of the corner.

She never liked her motherㅡ never really had that special connection a child would have with her mother. Maybe it was just her odd, antisocial behaviour, but she never felt any sense of safety around the woman who gave birth, breastfed, bathed and changed her diapers. If anything, she felt intimidated, cautious and alarmed around the person she should call her mother.

"I'm sorry, dear." The voice of the woman sighed out, "I'm just stressed, is all. Forgive me and my... outburst."

Her father was dumb. Naive and blinded by love of the woman that had been long gone five years ago. The person in front of him wasn't the woman he fell in love with, the woman in front of him was nothing but a shell of his beloved replaced by a different crab in the sea.

How can an adult be so dumb?

Blinded, the man took a step towards the woman, not bothering to dodge the shards of plates and glass on the hardwood floor as the bottom of his socks began to get tainted in red. The pain didn't even properly register in his mind.

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