Earth - Nerd

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Earth currently busy listing the stocks they need to purchase for their shop. You see their family owns small pet shop and now, he is the one handling it.

He really love animals and how cute they are but while listing some barge into the shop squealing.

"Earth! Earth! I bought two tickets for the concert of the The Fallen. Please let's watch!", his bestfriend Ash said the moment the girl step inside the shop.

Earth just roll his eyes and continue checking their stocks, "When?".

"This coming Friday night", Ash clasp her hands and look at him. Today is Wednesday. He hates Wednesday, he don't know why.

"Fine", after he said. Ash scream and hug him and kiss him on the cheeks then run outside as if she's not been in the shop.

Friday Night. Earth is pretty annoyed. They are in the concert venue and Ash suddenly gone. He is not a fan of band, he is more a 90's songs and music lover so without second thoughts he leave the venue.

Walking. He reaches the nearest park, enjoying the night breeze when he heard something in the bush. A meow.

Earth stands up and found a gray kitten with pink ribbon on it. He carefully pet it until it go near him and rub its small body to his feet.

He chuckles and pick it up while caressing its furr. "Where is your owner?", he smile then look around.

As if on cue, a guy wearing glassess and black long sleeve shouting "Chanel! Aish, where are you? Czarina will be mad at me".

Earth stands up and walk towards the guy, "Hello, good evening. Are you looking for a cat?".

The guy in glassess nods and point at the kitten that his holding, "Chanel!".

He slowly lift the kitten and give it to the guy, "Wait, stay there". Earth grab his bag and get a band aid, he open it and put it on the scratch that he saw on the guy's hand.

"Once you get home, wash the scratch with soap and don't shout at the kitten because you might get scratch again. My family owns a pet shop and my mother is a veterinarian", Earth smile and pet the kitten again.

"Are you here for the concert?", The guy in glasses asks probably notice the stamp on his hand.

"I accompany my bestfriend but I'm not familiar with the group since my parents tend to play old music", he giggle.

"So, you don't know about The Fallen? Thitiwat? Boun? Mix? Korn?", the guy in glasses asks as if he can't believe what Earth just said.

Earth blush and look down, "I'm sorry, I really don't".

"That's fine. I'm Kao Dechaphatthanakun. 25 years old. A nerd", the guy in glasses jokingly said.

He giggle the introduce himself, "Earth Katsamonnat Namwirote. 23 years old".

They just look at each other and laugh, "I need to go. You mentioned your mother is a veterinarian. Can I have her phone number?".

Earth nods and give the calling card of their shop. Kao accepts it, "Thanks Earth".

"You're welcome, P'Kao".

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