Chapter Seven (Vikk)

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Lachlan and I walked back. Occasionally, when I blinked, I closed my eyes longer than necessary in an attempt to stop myself from going red.

Lachlan was humming along with the tune my jukebox was playing. 

"So...uh...what should we do today?" I mumbled.

He frowned. "Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaaaaan?!" He sang loudly.

"Dear god, Lachlan, I think I've gone deaf."

"Come on let's go and play!" Rob-a-dob-flob's voice came out of nowhere.

I spun around. Rob was breaking a minecart on his railroad system. "Hey Roberto!" I greeted him.

He grinned. "So, what was that about building snowmen?"

"Race you to the nearest snow biome!" Lachlan roared, sprinting away. 

"Not...fair...!" I panted, trying to catch up. Unfortunately, my short legs didn't help much in this.

I caught up, but only because Rob and Lachy waited for me. 

We hopped across ice lakes. I began to feel inexplicably cold. I shivered. I really should have brought a jacket or something. The other guys had their custom hoodies.

"Vikk, is something wrong?" Lachlan asked.

I put on a fake smile. "No, I'm fine."

He shrugged. 

I gradually began to fall back. I couldn't catch up. Then my legs refused to move. I looked down and saw the ground rushing up to catch me.


Hope this chapter was alright, sorry for only uploading one chapter yesterday.


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