Chapter Sixteen (Preston)

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Well...Apparently the Merome duo had a cute moment...Maybe we can do something like that with Poofless?

Or maybe Rob wasn't actually serious about his relationship with me?

No...he asked me, didn't he...?


Then again maybe it's just the lava that's messing with it...

"P-Preston? You're-you're sizzling..."

Rob...Wait what?! It's raining, and I never noticed?! But I don't feel mum said it would hurt...if I ever touched water...

I might have human skin...but inside I am a lava mob...

All I feel is a odd this pain? It felt like my head was clearing as well...

"Preston...your's darkening!" Rob gasped.

I snapped out of my train of thought. What is happening to me?!

I ran inside my house. Rob followed me.

"P-Preston?" Rob stuttered. "Wh-what's happening?"

I didn't respond. I didn't know how.

"Answer me, Preston! Please!"

"I'm..."I began. "I'm...I'm not human, Rob..."

"What do you mean? Of course you're - "

Rob cut himself off in a gasp.

It felt like my face was melting. I stared into the glass of my window.

My face was not the face of Preston Arsement. Or maybe it was what I really was. My skin's trying to heal itself...The lava is trying to melt the obsidian...and it took my skin off as well...but why doesn't it hurt?

I saw two dark, soulless eyes staring back at me. Is that really what I look like? I look like a creeper...

But I'm not! I'm Preston!

Or maybe I'm just a regular mob...Rob will never want me now...

Stop it!

I'm just stating facts.

Why is my brain so messed up?!

Shut up. Without me, you wouldn't be alive.

Flesh was spreading across my face now. The obsidian melted...

Skin covered the flesh.

I turned around. Rob was staring at me, petrified.

"That's what I am, Rob," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Rob took one last terrified look at me and bolted out the door.

"No, Rob!" I screamed. Lava tears were pouring down my face. "I'm sorry!"

He didn't come back.

I slumped down onto the floor. I'm so sorry, Rob...

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