Chapter Eleven (Lachlan)

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Just wanted to start this story off with a thank you.

OMG thanks guys for so many reads and votes! I cannot believe it! I expected like five reads and right now it's at 164! I cannot thank you guys enough!



I took a flint and steel and a bunch of TNT with me. I'd also brought a bit of wood with me so I decided to craft them into pressure plates.

The others arrived soon afterwards. I grinned at Vikk and we kissed. Jerome pretended to grimace.

<BajanCanadian> I'm lost.

I shook my head in disbelief.

<CraftBattleDuty> Mitch, this is your house!

<BajanCanadian> Yeah...about that...

<ASF Jerome> Not to worry, biggums, I'll find you! What are your coordinates?

<BajanCanadian> does one use coordinates on this?

<Vikkstar123> Big noob

<ASF Jerome> You wouldn't be saying that if Lachy was the one who was lost! [OMG Jerome gets protective!]

<BajanCanadian> Umm...I think it's -1150, 700


And off he went.

They were back in a few minutes. 

"Alright let's get this party started!" I yelled, placing ten TNTs and lighting one of them.

I backed away but I felt a pair of hands grab me and push me right back into it.

CraftBattleDuty was blown up by TBNRFrags.

I respawned, fuming. Preston and his dirty jokes. Why did he have to do this stuff?

<CraftBattleDuty> WHY PRESTON WHY?

TBNRFrags walked into a fire whilst fighting Vikkstar123.

I laughed harshly. My body still ached from the explosion, despite the fact that I had respawned. And my new set of iron armor as well...and all my gear. Probably all blown to pieces.

<Vikkstar123> REVENGE!

<TBNRFrags> Darude!

<CraftBattleDuty> You should talk.

There was nothing more in chat. I sighed, made myself an iron sword, and ran back to the ruins.

"Hi Lachy!" Vikk greeted, hugging me.

I forced a smile.

When I got back home, I took my new sword and debated cutting. But I'd never been able to find the courage to cut. Ever. And today was no exception.

I sighed and slid into bed.

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