Chapter Fifteen(Mitch)

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I slumped down onto the grass, leaning against a tree. Whew. I stared at my completed house.

A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead.

After munching on a cooked pork chop, I stood up and pulled out my pickaxe. Time for another mining trip.

I ran lightly towards a cave system I knew of.

Suddenly, there was a rough impact on my shoulder. I stumbled sideways.

<BajanCanadian> Who's there?

No response.

Except for another punch.

<BajanCanadian> STAAAHP

Another punch. I stumbled, tripped over a rock, and fell face first into the dirt. Now I could hear muted laughing.

<BajanCanadian> Lachlan?!

The giggles became more pronounced.

<BajanCanadian> Lachlan, I know it's you...

Wait no. There were two people laughing. And the other one sounded like...

<BajanCanadian> VIKK?!

There was no longer any attempt to conceal the laughs. I waved my arms wildly about, trying to hit one of them.

<CraftBattleDuty> DANCE MITCH DANCE!

A potion splashed right at my feet. I tried to run at whoever threw it, but I couldn't. My legs were moving at a rate of about three inches per minute.

<Vikkstar123> Slowness potion, Mitchell!

I began waving my fists around again.



Suddenly, the furry face of my bacca popped out of the trees. "Hey Biggums, how-agh!"

Jerome tripped. "Who was that?"

"Hi Jerome," Vikk's voice came out of nowhere. I jumped.

The effects of the slowness potion began to wear off. I could run again.

Jerome groped out at thin air. "Aha! I've got one here!"

"Oi!" Lachlan complained. "You're pulling my hair!"

I laughed. "And where is Icky Vikky Sticky?"

"Why you gotta be so daruuuuuude?" a voice sang in my ear. I fell over backward and Jerome caught me.

<Vikkstar123> AWW! #MEROME!

I heard them laughing as they ran away.

"I love you benja," Jerome whispered to me.

"I love you bacca," I whispered back.

Sparks flew as our lips collided.


I deed it! I updated for the first time in a month! Yes!


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