Chapter Seventeen (Rob)

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I buried my face into my arms, slumping down against a cave wall. Why did I run from him? You are such an idiot, Rob...

He could have hurt me! He didn't tell me he was a monster!

And you question why your life is messed up, Rob...You just called your boyfriend a monster...

But he is!

No he's not...He's just Preston...That's who he is...

And somehow, after all of this, I still love him...

Then tell him!

I can't! He'll kill me! I ran away!

Well, try, at least...

I heard a sizzling noise behind me. Now is not the time...

I clambered up. I stared into the creeper's eyes...

Why do they look so much like Preston's did...?

I backed away. I can't kill you...not now...

I ran out of the cave, sealing the entrance with cobblestone. The creeper hissed angrily.

I ran, not knowing where my legs were taking me...

Preston's railroad track. Instinctively, I pulled out a minecart and it took me to his house.

Over hills...Through the forest...

I walked to Preston's front door. Shaking from head to toe, I raised my fist and knocked three times.

"It doesn't have to be a snowman..." I whispered.

The door opened a crack. I pushed it ajar.

Preston, with the face of the Preston I knew, was crying in a corner. Beads of lava ran down his cheeks.

I sat down beside him. He buried his face into my chest. I squeezed him tightly.

I need you, Preston...

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