Chapter Eighteen (Jerome)

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Oh. My. God. I. Have. Mitch. In. My. Arms. And. He. Is. Not. Rejecting. Me. Silent. Fanboy. Mode. Activated. Squeeeeeaaaaal!

I stood there, frozen, not realized how awkward this might look to a spectator. A bacca and a boy, cuddling in midair.

"Umm..." Mitch mumbled. "Should we...erm...get back inside?"

I lowered him gently to the ground. "Whatever you say, biggums."

We walked back to the Salty Lagoon, arm in arm.

You know, Vikk and Lachlan, I'd almost thank you for pulling that prank...

As if on cue, I heard a muffled snicker from behind a tree. Whatever, they probably cuddle on a daily basis.

"" I muttered. "Want to stay in my house tonight?"

He nodded tiredly. I led him away from the Lagoon and towards my island.

Before we stepped inside the main house, I put down a sign.


Then we stepped into my house. Hopefully there would be some cuddling tonight. A bacca can never get enough cuddles.

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