Chapter Eight (Rob)

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I was rolling a snowball with Lil' Lachy. Where was Vikk? What was taking him so long?

Suddenly, from several yards behind us, there was a dull thump.

Lachy dropped his snowball. "Why haven't I noticed that Vikk's missing? What just happend to him?!" He screamed.

I followed him at top speed. And there was Vikk, lying face down in the snow.

Lachy picked him up bridal style and snapped, "Robbie, go dig us a cave."

I knew his temper was just guilt so I got out my pickaxe and began mining stone off a cliff face. I got us a mediocre sized crevice and we all clambered in. I put down four pieces of netherrack in a crafting-table square in the center. Lachy pulled out his flint-and-steel and tossed it to me. I lit all four pieces on fire.

Lachlan pulled a bed out of his inventory and laid Vikk in it. I turned away to hide a smile, despite the situation. I had a feeling the blur and the Vikkstar might have their moment anytime now.

I found the softest bit of stone floor possible and lay down, snoozing away.

I woke up to the sound of soft moaning. I blinked. Where was I? Oh right. In a cave with Lachlan and Vikk.

I clambered up groggily. Vikk was apparently awake.

"Hi Rob-a-dob-flob," he said weakly. "What's for breakfast?"

I blinked incredulously at him. " 'What's for breakfast?' After all that's happened, all you can say is, 'What's for breakfast?' "

"What?" he mumbled sheepishly. "I'm hungry."

I sighed and tossed him a piece of bread. "Have that."

"Vikky!" Lachlan exclaimed,  landing on top of Vikk and causing him to drop the bread. "Don't ever do that again!"

He hugged him. I stepped back, a broad smile on my face. I got ready to type on my wrist device.

Acting on impulse, Lachy leaned closer to Vikk. Their faces were centimeters apart.

I watched them kiss for a good twenty seconds. They pulled back, out of breath and red in the face.

<Woofless> VIKKLAN IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Robert Latsky," Lachlan said flatly. "You are so dead."

I switched my wrist device to voice command.


<Woofless> LACHLAN, NO PLEASE STOP I'M SORRY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Woofless was slain by CraftBattleDuty.

I spawned in my cave home.

<BajanCanadian> haha gg

<TBNRFrags> Lachlan darude sandstorm

<ASF Jerome> omg is vikklan actually real

<Woofless> yes Lachlan can I please have my stuff back

<CraftBattleDuty> Come and get it!


<CraftBattleDuty> Teehee

I noticed that Vikk hadn't commented.

Then I felt someone invisible punch me.

<Woofless> Vikk stop invis punching me

I felt another punch.

<Woofless> I'm serious Lachlan is the blur. Not you.

There was a pause.

<Vikkstar123> Awww...You're no did u know it was me...?

<Woofless> Maybe because you haven't typed in chat for like ten minutes?

<Vikkstar123> :(

Then I saw someone throwing my gear onto the floor. I was totally confused.

<Woofless> Would that be Vikk or Lachlan?

<CraftBattleDuty> That would be both of us.


<Vikkstar123> Could you not?

I picked my gear up off the floor and put my armor on. I shook my head, grinning as more of my items spewed out of invisible hands.

<CraftBattleDuty> Alright that's it I think see u in a bit

<Vikkstar123> Yup

I heard footsteps moving away.

Not five minutes later:

Vikkstar123 was shot by Skeleton.

CraftBattleDuty was blown up by Creeper.

<Woofless> KARMA!

I laughed because of the situation, but felt slightly guilty that Lachlan's stuff had probably been blown to pieces.

<CraftBattleDuty> DARUDE!

<Vikkstar123> We fell into a ravine.

I smiled. Of course they would.


I allow Vikklan in fanfic. Otherwise #Swordstar123 all the way!

I was orignally going to have Preston kill them for a Poofless moment but I decided not to cram too much into this chapter.

Hope you guys enjoyed!


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