Chapter Twelve (Preston)

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i felt kind of bad for pushing Lachlan into that TNT, but it was my revenge for him killing Rob earlier. And let's face it, his gear was pretty bad anyway so it didn't really matter that it had all blown up. He could probably replace it all in about ten seconds.

What I hadn't foreseen was the fact that Vikk would take offense. So all my diamond gear had been burnt in a fire.

Like geez, doods, take a joke.

I snuck around to Lachlan's place to see how he was doing. My heart sank. Apparently Lachlan wasn't doing as well as I thought he was. All he had was an iron sword and gold armor that was obviously all mob drops.

I place a chest in his doorway once he's gone out to Vikk Towers. I placed a sign next to it.





I put five diamonds and half a stack of iron in it. Then I ran away.

Hopefully he'd take it and not be like Mitch. I could imagine what would happen if I'd given that stuff to Mitch.


"I don't need your handouts!" Mitch screamed at me. "You know what I think of your diamonds? And your iron?"

Mitch threw all of the given items onto the ground and burned them with a flint and steel.

"That's what I think!"

*End of daydream*

I went back home and began recrafting all my own gear. Damn you Vikk. That pickaxe had silk touch on it.


And...That's it for this chapter! I may or may not do another one later today, it depends whether or not I feel up to it. 


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