Chapter 25: A Wish Fulfilled and a Horroring Truth

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"Look what we got here, my idiot cousin, Christian Ravello."

The mumbled words enter my ear as I rise from my haze of sleep. Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Will you keep it down? Isn't my wife sleeping?"

Why does that sound like- I fly into a sitting position, eyes wide as my brain registers the voice as my husband's.

Can it be?

I throw the covers off me and dash out the bedroom. I don't think as my legs lead me down the stares and pass the kitchen to the sitting room.

My feet freeze between the doorframe and my eyes widen as they land on the back of a man.

I know the outline of that back anywhere. My eyes sting and my heart squeezes. Please don't let this be another dream.

I've had enough of these while here. Everything drowns out as my vision seems to zone into only the person I so badly want this man to be.

He turns around, as if in slow motion and that's when the first tear falls. It's him! It's Christian.

His crystal eyes soften on me and the longing in them has a ball forming in my throat. My legs move on their own accord and they run toward him. His own legs moved forward and before I know I and swept up in his arms.

My legs wrap around his waist and my arms wound tightly around his neck as I push my cheek against his. I close my eyes, savoring the feeling and waiting for the dream to end.

I whimper, fisting my hands as the tears drops come one after the other.

"I miss you so much," I sob, "I want to see you so badly."

His arms tighten around me, "I'm here, baby."

I let out another sob, "No you're not. This is a dream, I'm going to wake up now."

His fingers wound tightly into my hair and he brings my head back. My watery eyes peer into his own, tearful ones.

"You are not dreaming, baby," he whispers and then his lips cover mine in a soft, love filled kiss. My tears mix with our lips as I move mine against his longing and that is when I realize that he's really here.

He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. My tears had now now slowed to a stop as I raise my eyes to meet his.

It feels like it's been forever since I felt his touch, since I've seen his face or heard his voice but he's here now.

"Baby," he whispers and I close my eyes in ecstasy.

The sound of someone clearing their throat breaks the moment and I am now fully away of the little clothing on my body. From the way, my husband immediately puts me down and pulls off his jacket, it means he's noticed too.

He drapes it around my shoulders and glares at someone to the right of us. "Move your eyes, Angelo," he hisses, calmly.

I glance at the normally nonchalant man to see a nervous sweat trickling own from his forehead. Is Angelo afraid of Chris? Why does he look so scared.

Fingers, gently hold my jaw and turn my head forward. Christian, lifts my head and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead, "You need to be more careful baby."

I nod and wrap my arms around him again. Releif covering every inch of my body that he's not a dream.

"Well," Rachel starts, bringing everyone's attention to her, "that was interesting."

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