Chapter 3: The Partner

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"Ronnie isn't your real dad and Lisa isn't.....wasn't mine."

The moment the words left her mouth, the whole world crashed around me. The man who I thought was my dad isn't and Lisa wasn't even my sister. I wonder what else was I lied to about. I couldn't stay, I have to get out of this place.

Rachel knew without me having to tell her. She just rushed me out the room and out the door. I heard the footsteps behind me but I paid them no mind. I just needed to be far from this place. "Chloe!" Mama called to me.

I ignored her and got into Rachel's car.

"No offence Miss Santiago but she doesn't want to talk to you. I'm taking her home." Rachel simply said and got in the car. As she drove off, mama kept calling to me but I couldn't bring myself to look back. I can't handle this right now, it's not good for me or my unborn baby.

"Take me to Christian's office." I whispered.

"You know it's gonna be alright, right?" Rachel whispers back.

"I guess."

It didn't take long for us to reach my husband's office and after a quick thanks, I got out. "Chloe, stick close, okay?" someone said making me jump. I look over my shoulder and came face to face with my ginger haired friend, Gerald. I forgot he was with me amiss the conflict. I smiled at how silly I was and called him to my side.

"When we're done here. How about we go get some coffee." he offered. I smile in thanks. I forgot how much of a great person he is. He hasn't been able to be care free for so long. I enter the building and went straight for Christian's private elevator.

"Excuse me! That elevator is for the C.E.O only!" a rude voice calls making me halt from pressing the elevator button. I am not in the mood for this. Can't his employees learn who the hell their boss' wife is?

I turned around and came face to face with a tall, skinny dark skinned girl. Her hair was pin straight up in a ponytail and her attire was that of a secretary; pencil skirt, striped shirt. Her face was flawlessly done. If it weren't for the disgusted look she had on her face, I might have thought of her as pretty.

"I am in no mood for this, lady. I am here to see my husband and if you know what's good for you and the rest of your co-workers learn who your boss' goddamn wife is!" I snap. I swivel back and press the elevator button waiting for it to open.

"Did you not hear me?" she started up again.

"Ma'am please step away from Mrs. Humphrey." I heard Gerald demand firmly. The next thing I hear is her snort, "I will wait right here to confirm. Mr. Humphrey is on his way down anyway."

"If you want to keep your job, I suggest you not." my bodyguard counters. Just then, The elevator pings and the doors slide open, revealing my husband and his P.A Carson. His crystal blues met my glass greens and a huge smile appeared on his face. It was so contagious that I just had to smile back.

I step back to let them get off and almost instantly I was pulled into Christian's arms. He seemed not to care that people were watching and that made me happy. Carson and Gerald stepped to the side while that rude secretary still stood behind me.

When he pulls away, he presses a quick kiss to my lips and sigh in happiness. "You've been on my mind all morning."

"Sir, this woman.."

"Can't you see I'm talking to my wife? Get back to work." he ordered without moving his eyes from me. The woman simply walked away but I somehow knew it wasn't the end of whatever it is between us. She's gonna come back and I will be ready for her.

"Carson and I were just about to go have lunch with a partner. Care to join?" he asks.

"But I'm not properly dressed. I'm in jeans and a T-shirt..."

"You look fine, honey. Come on." The hopeful look in his eyes made me cave and I nod with a smile. He entwined our fingers together and started our way to the garage. He threw Gerald the keys and opened the back door for me.

Once all of us were in the car, my bodyguard drove off. It took us at least half an hour to arrive at the place we'll be meeting this partner. It was a classy restaurant and everyone inside was dressed in elegant looking dresses and I was in casual wear. Why did he bring me here?

"Hey," he whispers in my ear as we enter, "You are beautiful." I let a smile curl on my lips and entwined our fingers together. We walked right pass the reception area and to a private area at the back of the restaurant. Everyone stared at us as we walk by and I'm guessing it's because of my attire.

We approached a table where a woman was sitting. She was beautiful with fair skin, blonde hair and sharp honey eyes. She was dressed in a white suit with white heels that I can see under the table. Upon seeing us, she stood from her place with a bright smile but that slowly disappeared as her eyes caught sight of me and my husband's joint hands.

Hmm, strange. My gut was telling me something was terribly wrong with this woman. Chris pulled a chair out for me and I sit immediately already feeling tired. He shook hands with the woman and then they all sit down, Chris being next to me and between him and the lady was Carson. Gerald had to stay outside because he has lookout duty.

The unknown woman glanced over me with a sort of distaste. "Who is this, Christian?" she asks staring me down. He was about to answer but I beat him to it, "I'm his wife, Chloe Humphrey." I put emphasis on wife and think Christian realized because he rest a comforting hand on my thigh.

"Veronica Manson." she introduced proudly, "C.E.O of Manson Electronics."


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