Chapter 6: Doctor's Appointment

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I woke up to the light shining in my face. Another week had passed and I was just as clueless as ever. My mother tried to call multiple times and her husband came by the house but thanks to Gerald and Henry, I didn't need to see him.

The Winter Season has arrived as well and Lisabeth is just loving it. Christian isn't far behind. They built so many snowmen in the front yard that they had created our entire family, including the twins, my cousin and even Chris' parents.

I stretch myself out on the bed to find I'm the only one in it. The smell of food being cooked lets me know that my husband is downstairs preparing breakfast and Lisabeth is probably with him. That thought made me smile. They are so cute together.

I get out of bed quickly and make my way downstairs and into my kitchen. My heart melted at what I was met with. Lisabeth had her long hair in a bun and her face was covered in flour as she held up the bowl for her father who was busy making pancakes.

They are so so cute together. She spotted me first and almost dropped the bowl as she hurriedly put it on the counter and ran to me. "Lisabeth." Christian called but she gave me a sort of scolding look.

"Mommy, you're supposed to be asleep." she whined.

My husband just laughs and I look up to meet his eyes. "It's okay. We have to get to the hospital on time anyway." his words were directed at his daughter but his eyes remained on me and I can see the underlying excitement in them.

I have an appointment today to check up on the baby. He missed all this with Lisabeth so I understand why he's so excited for this visit. . Kind of messed up that I was there during her mother's entire pregnancy though.

Anyways, I took a seat at the island and just observed the two most important persons in my life. Never in all my years of living, did I even think about marriage or even kids. I just always focused on school and starting a great career but I guess God had other plans for me.

After breakfast, we all got ready and started our way to the hospital. Lisabeth was super hyper. I can tell she was just as excited as her father. "Mommy, am I getting a sister or a brother?" she questions excitedly.

I chuckle at her and was just about to answer but my husband beat me to it, "We won't know until a few months later, sweetheart. The doctor is just gonna give mommy and the baby a check up today."

"Oh." she whispers disappointed.

"How about we go to Aunt Rachel's house after the check up before we go pick up Grandma and Grandpa?" I suggest. Christian's parents are coming to spend a week with us and since he's gonna be at work, Lisabeth and I are gonna pick them up; in my new car. I still remember the day when he gave it to me, that day after our honeymoon when we visited the house we now reside in.


I eyed the keys with confusion as we were on our way home. He said these are the keys to our house but the other is clearly the keys to a car. "Chris." I call softly.

He hummed contently. I take a deep breath and finally ask the question that has been plaguing me since we left, "Why is there car keys on my keychain?"

A sly smile crossed his lips and he only glanced at me, "Wait till we get home."

I sighed in dissatisfaction but did as he asked. As we pull into the garage, I couldn't help but notice the brand new red Camero parked next to his motorcycle. The logo on it looked exactly like the one on the car keys Chris gave me.

When we got out of the car, I didn't bother asking the stupid question of who the red Camero belongs to. I know it's mine. I look to my husband who had a proud smile on his face. I gave him a stern look, "No. I cannot accept this."

The smile drops from his face and he groans, "It's yours. I bought I for you."

"I don't want or need such gifts from you, Christian. Take it back." I reply exasperated holding out the keys.

He frowned deeply and hurt flashed in his eyes, "You don't like it?"

I sighed, "Chris, I love it but it's too much."

"Nothing is too much baby. I want to spoil and bring the world at your feet. Just let me."

The desperate look in his eyes made a terrible feeling appear in my stomach and I hesitantly nod. "Okay." I whisper.

A face splitting smile appeared on his face then and he engulfed me in his arms.

End of flashback.

Even though I told him he can spoil me, I still refuse to use half the stuff he gets me, including that car but now I've got no choice. Rachel will be going over to Roger's place to have some alone time and Chris will be working a little late. The last option is for me to pick them up.

Once at the hospital, I couldn't help but notice the weird stares I got. I knew instantly that some of them were paparazzi. The world is yet to know that Lisabeth is Christian's child and that I am pregnant with his second one.

If a scandal like that ever came out, it would be a mess not to mention my little family issue going on at the moment. My husband didn't seem to care about hiding today, though. The content smile on his face was enough evidence of that.

We went straight into Dr. Guevara's office, seeing as we are her first patients today in the maternity ward. The blonde woman's blue eyes shined with such warmth when she noticed us. She was the one that did a check up on me after the kidnapping and she was such a nice lady.

"Hello Chloe, Mr. Humphrey." she greeted with a smile. I replied with a hey and Christian only nodded. She then glanced down, just now noticing, Lisabeth. "And who is this little angle?" she asked nicely, not taking her eyes off the little girl.

Lisabeth just grabbed hold of my hand and Christian chuckled. "This is our daughter, Lisabeth. Hope it's alright that she's here, Doctor." he then says, pride thick in his voice.

She looked up and smiled warmly, "Of course it is." she waved off casually, "And please. Call me Casey."

"Okay." I replied in a sing song voice and she laughed kindly, "Now, I'll need little Lisabeth and her dad to sit over there and you get on the table."

We did as she said, my husband sitting at her office chair with Lisabeth on his lap and I got on to the surgical table. She made me lay down and rose up the sweater I was wearing. She took a took at my slight bump and frowned slightly.

"How many weeks along are you?" she asked seriously.

"Six weeks." I reply almost immediately.

She took a sort of gel and rubbed it on my stomach gently, "You're not suppose to be showing yet. You're six weeks early."

Using the ultrasound wand, she glided it along my lower abdomen as I stared at the screen. You can barely see the fetus but it was there. The image was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He or she was so tiny. Glancing over at my husband, I see that his eyes are filled with tears, while he's smiling fondly at the screen.

Casey inspected the fetus and then chuckled to herself. "This is your first official visit for the pregnancy right?" she asked amused.

I couldn't help the warmth that came to my cheeks as I nodded. She nods sharply, "That explains it. Chloe, you are about ten weeks pregnant."

My eyes widen, "So I miscalculated?"

She chuckled again, "Yes, you did. Since the baby seems to be all fine without vitamins and your second trimester is almost here, I'd like for you to return in three weeks for your second trimester supplements."

I glance over to my now shocked husband and then back to Casey, "Okay."


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