Chapter 8: Family Business

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The room full of directors didn't interest me anymore. I was slowly becoming bored with the daily meetings and the long endless talks about what color pallets my products should come in. In all honesty, I can care less. My only concern is that the products sell.

The man presenting at the front came up with a design for a smartphone with the abilities to project images through a camera at the back. I must say, it is a very interesting design and the extra feature will make it a hit. The only problem is while the directors are asking about the color pallets and packaging, the poor guy, Quinton Parker seems to be lost.

Having enough of this unnecessary conversation I cleared my throat and stood from my seat at the head of the table. Everyone went quiet as I gave them each a blank stare. Quinton gulped at the front of the room when my eyes met his dark browns.

"I approve of this product, Mr. Parker," I started, "For the rest of you, these endless talks about color schemes and packaging are quite frankly a useless waste of my time. That kind of thing is more likely the work of an...."

I stopped at the end of the sentence realizing what I was just about to say and how stupid I was to not think about it before. "Sir?" Naomi calls from her place next to Carson. I paid no attention to her as I came back to my senses and gave a sharp nod to my employees.

"You are dismissed. I will organize a committee to discuss packaging and design and they will be here in the morning, good day." That said, I left the conference room and headed directly to my office.

I dialed the person's number immediately and Roger's voice came through the speakers. "Hey Chris," he mumbled groggily. I huffed annoyed, "Why are you answering Rachel's phone and where is she?"

I heard shuffling and then my sister's annoyed voice replaced her boyfriend's, "What do you want Christian?" I couldn't help but smile at her annoyed tone. Same old Rachel.

"I have a proposition for you," I reply, amusement lacing my voice.

"Okay, I'm listening. Shoot!"


"Absolutely not!" Chloe hissed at me. I roll my eyes with a sigh; not again. "We are not going through this again, Chloe. Humphrey Technology and Co. is a family business and I want you and my sister to hop aboard," I state with a no nonsense tone. 

"I don't care Christian. We are already under a lot of pressure with the press and not mention it's only a matter of time before they find out about our family issues. I want to make my own fortune, I don't want part of yours," she retorted, stress lines appearing on her forehead.

I rubbed the bridge between my nose. This woman is so frustrating at time, "I don't care about the fucking press. I am offering you a chance to use your skills while you are preparing to reorganize your art show. I know you hate being stuck at home."

Her face relaxed and she sighed heavily, "I just can't. I didn't come from you background, Chris. What are those people going to think of me if I take on-"

"Who gives a fuck what they think?! You are my wife and if I decide I want you to be part of my business then you will be a part of my business whether they like it or not. If we have to deal with the backlash then we'll deal with it but don't turn this down just because you're afraid of what the outside world thinks."

The moment the words left my mouth, she looked away from me. I know she doesn't like when I raise my voice at her but I couldn't help it. I am tired of having to calculate every single move I make because of what scandal the paparazzi would cook up next.

I let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed hold of her hands. She didn't pull away from me but neither did she look up. I suddenly felt like an asshole again. I need to be careful with her, she's so delicate.

"Baby?" I whisper softly. She kept her eyes down, "I'm sorry I raised my voice at you but what I'm saying is. I honestly don't care about the paparazzi anymore.  I need you to do this for me okay?"

Finally, her glass green orbs raised to meet my crystal blues and she sighed, leaning her head against my chest.

"Okay, Chris. Let's do this," she says quietly and my lips instantly stretched into a smile. I wrapped my arms around her with relief and kissed the top of her head.


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