Thanks and Information

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So yes, I know that the ending isn't the best but I needed to get this first draft finished. Christian and Chloe's story has finally come to an end but don't worry, I have other couples to write about that I'm sure you all will love. Also, stay tuned for the second draft of this story that will tell Christian and Chloe's story in greater detail. The story is basically the same as the first draft but I have changed a lot of things also. I want to say thank you to everyone who's read this poorly written version of things. You gave me the confidence to continue when I thought of giving up. Please don't hate me for how I ended their story, the fighting scenes were not an integral part of it so I didn't put much effort into explaining how it went down. If you want those details, you will just have to wait for me to upload the spinoff that deals with Vincenzo and Miliani. Anyways, Thank you all once again.

Love Always,
Ally ♥


My Best Friend's Brother: The Husband - Book 2[First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now