Chapter 106

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The Abuser

I walk back into the hotel room and sighed, running a hand through my hair. Marilyn ran over to me, trying to grab her watch from my hand.

"Give it back, I want to talk to daddy!" I held my grip on it as I shook my head.

"No, I told you daddy was sick and you ignored me, you both are grounded from the watches for today." Jackson looked over at me in confusion.

"What did I do?" He asked defensively as I shook my head.

"I just know if I ground only one of you, that they will borrow the other one. I reached out my hand as Jackson handed his watch to me. I put them in my bag and put them on the top shelf in the closet. "We are only going to stay the night here, then we will go to Grandpa Lionel's house okay? Then you guys will get your watches back. Marilyn crossed her arms and pouted, making sure that her bottom lip was out to get her point across. She looked just like her father, her green eyes piercing my soul. She was genuinely just like her father, she had most of his good traits, but the twins both inherited his anger, which was very stressful at times. I rub my head, feeling the lump on my skull, I really should see a doctor. I went back into the bathroom and shut the door, turning to the sink, I turn on the faucet and run my hand through it and splash cold water on my face, sighing softly as I look up at my reflection. I had grown paler over the course of just a few hours. I had slight bruises on my arms from where Harry grabbed me previously.

I should just go to Lionel's now, we can get my doctor and he can make a house call, I better drive before I get any worse. I walked out of the bathroom as I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

"Twins, we're going to Grandpa Lionel's house anyway. Mummy is not feeling the greatest." They both mumbled okay as I made sure that they grabbed everything they needed. We got out of the room as I put the key under the mat, not sure if I wanted to confront that guy again. I got into the car and made sure the twins were buckled in before I quickly made my way back to Lionel's house.

Once we arrived to Lionel's house, I sighed, getting out of the car and waiting for the twins to get out before grabbing our bags and knocking on the door. Lionel opened the door and smiled at me, nbut his smile turned into a frown after he saw how pale I was, was I that bad?

"Come in guys," Lionel said softly as he led us inside and to the living room. Myra was sitting there, sipping tea and reading a book. She looks up and frowns as she gets up from the couch.

"Oh hell no, Lilly is not welcome here, the kids are though." Myra said as I rolled my eyes, of course she would be here.

"Lilly and the twins are staying here just for a few nights Myra, if you don't like it, that is too bad, this house is big enough for everyone here. I don't want to hear any fighting or any nonsense from either of you." I scoffed at that and looked away as Lionel put his hand on my shoulder.

"At the end of the day, you guys are family, flesh and blood, so please, just get along for right now until we can figure out the situation that's at hand." I looked at Lionel, I knew that deep down he was right, that we just needed to set our differences aside and figure out what exactly was going on with Harry. Myra sighed as she pushed her hair behind her ear and then crossed her arms.

"Fine, but any funny business or any argueing she's out of here for good." Myra said as I looked her dead in the eyes.

"Fine, so be it." Lionel led me and the twins upstairs, he gave the twins one guest bedroom that had two twin beds and a big master bathroom. The twins ran inside, their moods instantly changing as they explored the room. Lionel led me to another guest bedroom that had a big king size bed and master bathroom.

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