Chapter 83

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Two Romeos and a Juliet

After hearing Harry's side of the story, I instantly believed him. It made so much more sense from his side. When I was released from the hospital, Harry happily took me back home. I told him the new password to the gate as he punched it in and the gates opened. 

I got out of the car and winced as Harry wrapped his arm around my back and helped me inside. The twins were with Milo, happily watching Frozen 2. When Harry saw Milo, his eyes turned a dark green. 

"Oh, Hello Milo." Milo looked back at us and got up from the couch as he smiled and waved.

"Hey, um, I picked up the twin's from school-"

"Daddy! Mummy!" The twins squealed, quickly forgetting about their movie as they ran up and hugged us tightly. Milo smiled and shifted uncomfortably.

"So Harry, I guess you are out of the dog house then?-"

"I know Milo," with those three words, all color from Milo's cheeks disappeared.

"I-I'm sorry, w-what?" Harry smiled slightly, it wasn't his normal smile, but more of a fake smile.

"I know, so you better leave before I call the cops." Milo cleared his throat before nodding and walking away.

"Harry! Why did you do that to Milo?!" Harry looked at me, before shrugging. He let go of me and lead the kids back to the living room to continue their movie. He walked back over to me and placed both of his hands onto my stomach before kissing my forehead.

"I promise I will tell you later alright?" I nod softly, Harry led me to the living room and let me lay down on the L part of the couch, he laid with me and covered us up. He pulled me closer to him as he played with my hair and watched the movie with the twins. I closed my eyes, just being near him made me happy again. I eventually felt tired, as if I hadn't slept in months, I gave in and quickly fell asleep.

The next day was a Saturday, so the twins did not have school. Louis and Rosie came over while Ryan stayed home with Eva. Louis and Rosie kept the twins occupied throughout the day, giving me time to paint and time for Harry to work. I stayed in my art room painting, sometimes the twins and Rosie would come in to play with some paints, but other than that I was alone. I heard a knock at the door, it was quiet, but I was also focused on my painting.

"Come in," I say as I finish painting a tree. Harry walked in the room and walked over beside me to look at the painting.

"It's beautiful love," he stated, before grabbing my hands and leading me out of the room. I laugh slightly and follow him.

"Where are we going, Harry?"

"I caused you so much stress these past few weeks, I thought you could be treated with a nice hot bubble bath with your adoring husband." I laugh again and nod as he led me through our bedroom and into our bathroom. Some of my favorite smores and cinnamon candles were lit as our tub was filled with bubbles.

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