Chapter 55

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Ringing Bells and Jail Cells

Part two of three

I wasn't going to lie, Sam freaked me out just a little. Maybe because it was his involvement with Harry and the money. But I don't know, I have been recently trying to respect boundaries between Harry's work and our lives. But it has been hard. Usually, Harry is up most nights working on his business with Liam in his office downstairs in the apartment.

But I couldn't think of that now. I had other things to worry about. As I walked the twins back up to our apartment, I noticed a mailing tube at our door. It must have been the blueprints to our house. I picked them up and went to unlock the door but it was already unlocked. I shrugged, not thinking much about it. I pushed the twins inside in their stroller as I sat the blueprints down on the dining room table as I pulled the twins out of their stroller one at a time and put them in their bouncers as I turned on peppa pig.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out some ingredients to make sushi for Harry and me for our dinner. I could hear soft babbles coming from the twins as they talked to each other in their own little language. I listened to them communicate as I prepared the sushi. I couldn't help as if I was being watched, which was a big red flag for me. For safety reasons, I begin to head upstairs to quickly grab Harry's gun from his sock drawer. As I made my way down the hallway to the stairs, a man grabbed me and firmly covered my mouth.

"Please.... Please Mrs. Styles, be quiet." The man sounded as if he was in a panic. I stayed calm for a split moment, not wanting to do anything. He started to drag me back to the kitchen. My first thought was my kids as I heard the television running. If this man, whoever he was, was going to hurt me, he would most likely hurt my children as well. As we walked I subtly grabbed a glass blunt object and whacked it over his head. The man instantly let me go and fell to the floor on his knees, his head being cradled in his hands.

"You bitch!" He yelled loudly, I took no time running to the living room, scooping up both of the twins and running upstairs to our bedroom where I locked the door. I grabbed a blanket and ran into the bathroom and placed the blanket in the bathtub and put the twins on it. I made sure they had no access to the water handles. Then I ran back into the bedroom and opened up Harry's sock drawer and pulled out his gun. I checked to see if it was loaded but it wasn't as Harry kept it unloaded just in case. I ran to our closet and pulled out a box of bullets as I loaded the gun. I grabbed my phone and quickly called Louis to alert him that someone was in the apartment with the twins and me.

I went into the bathroom with the twins and shut the door as I stayed quiet. I heard the man bang on the bedroom door.

"Please Mrs. Styles! I just need to explain!" I opened up the bathroom door, holding the gun close to me.

"You better leave! I have already called the cops!" I yelled out. I heard the man curse silently before hearing his footsteps receded from the door. I stayed in the bathroom with the twins until Louis got to the apartment. He helped me bring the twins back out to the bedroom as I laid them down and turned back on their television show as I placed the baby monitor with them and walked out and downstairs to put away my sushi.

"I'm sorry that happened Lilly." Louis stated as he leaned against the counter. I shrugged.

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