Chapter 41

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After the shower, the night went by rather smoothly. It was, strange to say the least. Harry's new chef prepared us a nice meal for him and I as Abigail did not come back till much later. I then went to sleep quickly as Harry stayed in bed with me and worked on his laptop.

I kept waking up every once in a while, my eyes would slowly open and check the clock as Harry continued to work on the laptop.





I eventually grabbed onto his arm as I yawned softly. He looked down at me, I could clearly see dark circles under his eyes as he smiled slightly.

"Hi love, Is the light bothering you." I shake my head as I move closer to him. I lift my head up a little and rest it on his bicep as I looked into his beautiful green eyes.

"Why are you up so late? We have an important day tomorrow love." I mumble sleepily. I tried to stay awake but I was having trouble doing so. Harry let out a heavy sigh as he shut the laptop and placed it on his night stand. He then leaned back and slipped his arm out from under my head as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my head ever so softly before resting his chin on it.

"I'm very uncomfortable with her staying here Lilly..." He whispered quietly so only I could hear. "j'ai peur."I knew what that meant.

"Don't be scared Haz, she's only here for not even a week. She will be out before you know it." Harry nodded before kissing my head once more.

"Just get some sleep my love." Harry mumbled before closing his eyes. I did the same and quickly fell asleep on him.

Before I knew it, his phone started to go off as the sun hit our faces. Harry let out a groan as he sat up, careful to keep my head on his chest as he turned the alarm off. I groaned as well and covered my eyes with my hand.

"Babe, what time is it?"

"Seven-Fifteen love." I whined softly as I tuck my head into the crook of his neck.

"Why so early?" Harry let out a soft chuckle as he yawned.

"Because Doctor Malik will be here at eight my love. I thought I was going to be the one more tired this morning, but I guess I was wrong. After Doctor Malik comes and does the ultrasound, you can call Gabby and you two can have pizza and stay in here and sleep. Sound good?" I uncovered my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Promise?" Harry laughed and nodded as he gave my lips a quick peck with his.

"I promise, now you can stay in pajamas but I have to get dressed. Okay? I also want you to eat a good breakfast while I am here before the ultrasound." He then laid me back gently as he got up and went to the walk in closet.

"You should wear one of your colorful suits, it looks good on you." Harry shrugged.

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