Chapter 107

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The Manipulation of the heart

I wake up in the morning, my body sore as my head was fuzzy. I sat up, groaning slightly, I squinted my eyes as the sun was nice and bright. I was confused on where I was for a second as I normally had curtains and my room wasn't this bright. I then remembered all of the events that were happening as I sighed.

I got up from the bed and grabbed my bag as I dug through it and got some clothes, settling on jeans and a comfy yellow sweater. I slipped them on, the sweater was much bigger than me, it was Harry's sweater. I took the sleeves and brought them to my face as I sniffed them softly. The smell of his cologne was still on the sweater. I swear that man bathes in his cologne. But it was nice either way. I took a hair tie and put my hair up in a pony tail as I slipped on my shoes and walked out of the room.

I opened up the twins door quietly as I saw they were both fast asleep still. I smiled softly. I was glad they were resting. I closed the door and then walked downstairs, Lionel was down in the dining room, eating his breakfast of pancakes and eggs quietly.

I walked over to him as he looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning Lilly, did you sleep well?" I nodded softly and smiled at him.

"I did..." I trailed off before sitting down next to him. "Lionel, can I ask a favor?" Lionel stopped eating as he turned to look at me.

"Yes Lilly, of course. What is it?"

"Can you watch the twins today? I'm going to go talk to Harry's dad and I just don't feel comfortable with Myra watching them." Lionel nodded before turning back to his food.

"Don't worry about them, they will be fine. Just do what you have to do. Just, if anyone asks you anything, tell them that Harry is under the weather and he has not left home. It would be very damaging for both of your careers if the media were to find out about this." My brows furrowed as I tilted my head in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Some people might want to stop using Harry's company and some people might not want to support your art anymore. Just play wisely to the games."

"Okay, I will. Thank you." I smiled at Lionel as I got up from the chair and pushed it back in. I walked out of the house and walked over to the car, there was a note on the windshield. I grabbed the note and read it.

"You can always be replaced Darling." It was Harry's handwriting, but it didn't have his signature like he always did. His handwriting wasn't as clean as it usually was either, you could tell there was shaky movements in his hands. It's not Harry, but it is him. I crumbled up the paper as I threw it in the car and got in. As I drove to Des's office, I tried to think of a plan of attack to talk to him. Maybe it would be better to go to Anne first? No, Anne would try to fix the problem herself.

I made it to Des's office as I parked the car and got out. I got out of the car and walked inside and marched right up to the receptionist. She was younger, about her early twenties. She had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hello! Do you have an appointment?" Her voice was super nice and she was super friendly. I smiled at her as I pulled out my drivers license and showed it to her.

"My name is Lilly Styles, but it could be under Lillian Styles. Des Styles is my father in law and I should be under the file of people that can meet with him without an appointment." I say politely as she looked at my drivers license and looked my name up.

"Yes Mrs. Styles, if you just want to take a seat. I will have Mr. Styles assistant come and fetch you." I smiled and thanked her before I sat down on a comfortable leather chair.

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