Chapter 90

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**WARNING** This chapter has blood, abuse, and death. You have been warned. Viewer discretion is advised.

I awoke lying on to cold basement floor.My he's hurt worse than before. I couldn't even think properly. I kept my eyes closed as I heard voices echo out throughout the basement.

"I will pay you... anything... Just let my wife and child go unharmed." I heard Harry's voice as I heard a man laugh.

"The longer you stay here, the higher the price your second in command will make. So, thirty million for both your wife and the child. It does not include you."

"Fine, deal. But if she is hurt anymore, we don't have a deal."

"I give you my word I will not harm them. I will go make a call to your second in command, then we will decide a way to transfer her. Try to get some rest in the meantime." I heard footsteps retreat from the basement as the door shut. I noticed they didn't even bother to tie me up. I got up and wobbled a bit before turning my attention to Harry. Harry looked at me as I practically ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back the best he could while being tied up and shushed me, moving us down to sitting on the floor.

"Harry..." I trailed off, wiping my cheek free of the tear that fell down. "Don't give those bastards money."

"I have to my love, if Something happened to you or Theo, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd rather you home, safe and sound with the twins." Harry kissed my head softly.

"But I want to stay with you-"

"Think about Theo, My love you're stressed enough as it is. I will get out of this eventually, but you need to get out of it first. If it is just me, I can do whatever I want and make demands, but since you are here, I can't do anything." He was right, I hugged him tighter as I kissed his lips, then once more for good measure.

"I love you so much..." I say softly,

"I-" The door opened as Lance walked in, he grabbed my arm roughly and yanked me away from Harry. I yelped a little from the pain, causing Harry to tug on his rope as he stood up. "HEY! Stop that!"

"Shut it," Lance rolled his eyes before grabbing rope and tying my wrists and my ankles as he then put tape on my mouth. He grabbed my jaw as he forced me to look into his eyes. "I like you this way, quiet, not being able to move..." He squeezed my jaw harder, earning a whimper from me as Harry's thrashing around became louder. "You broke my fucking nose bitch..." He laugher a bit, I wasn't sure why, until he looked over at Harry and then at me. "I should just take you right now, in front of your husband, to teach you both a lesson. You won't be able to do anything-" Harry's arms wrapped around Lance's neck as his wrists were covered in blood. He moved back away from me with him as Lance squirmed.

Lance fought Harry, trying to get air, but Harry kept his grip, until Lance passed out. Harry dropped Lance with a thud as he ran over to me and began untying me. I looked at Harry's wrists, they were both rubbed raw as they were still bleeding. Harry took the tape off my mouth.

"Harry your wrists..." Harry shook his head, before helping me up.

"We'll worry about them later honey." Harry led me to the outside basement door as we opened it quietly. Harry looked around, checking for any kidnappers, he then looked at me.

"Lilly this is very important, can you run? I can't carry you because of my wrists." I nod softly as Harry held my hand tightly. "If we get separated, or if they catch me, you keep running, don't stop until you find help okay?" I nod again as Harry then began to boot, heading straight to the wooded area. I followed him, my hand still in his as we kept running. It was night time now, so we had a bit of cover.

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