Chapter 56 1/2

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The Letter.

The clock was ticking, but I was relieved to have married Lilly. It was a long time coming after all. God, she was beautiful tonight. She could dress all up, or dress down and I wouldn't care. I loved her.

But, she knew I was hiding something. Every time she looked at me, I could see it in her face. But I just smiled, reassuring her that everything was alright, and it was. But if I breathed one word of this to her tonight, her entire night would be ruined and she might hate me. 

As everyone left I watched as Lilly tried her best to go up the stairs, but she was tipsy. I picked her up bridal style as I had no resistance from her as I walked to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and took her shoes off. I would have undressed her as I knew she wouldn't have cared, but I felt uncomfortable doing it why she was tipsy. I slipped off my shoes and shirt as I laid down and scooped her small frame into my arms. I closed my eyes, to give the illusion that I was sleeping. Once I felt Lilly's breath slow down, I opened my eyes. I couldn't sleep, I will just hold her for a little while.

I eventually fell asleep for an hour but that was it. five o clock rolled around as I gently slipped myself away from Lilly and made my way downstairs. When I made it halfway down, Jackson started to cry. He can't wake her up, not now. I ran up the stairs and into his room as I picked him up to make sure he was okay. He was dry so he must have been hungry. 

I made my way downstairs and heated Jackson a bottle of milk. Once I checked the temperature I gave it to him. He was so smart, he could almost hold the bottle up by himself. I made my way to my office while and opened the door. Zeus greeted me excitedly as Luna was asleep on a bookshelf. Zeus has been wanting to see the kids, but we didn't let him because we didn't want them to have an allergic reaction. But since they don't have any allergies to them, I decided to let Jackson in here with me.

I sat down on my office chair as I sat Jackson down on my lap. I looked around and sighed. How the fuck am I going to tell her. I got it. I opened up my drawer ad pulled out an envelope and a piece of paper as I sat it down on the desk. I used my free hand and grabbed one of my good pens and began to write.


No, this isn't a simple going-away errand try again. I threw the paper away.

I'm going to-

Idiot, ease into it. I threw that piece away and sighed as I stared at the new blank page and then looked at Jackson, he was about finished with his bottle as he was on the verge of falling back asleep. I smiled slightly and began to write.

My dearest Lilly,

I am so happy that you decided to marry me last night. The thought and even the reality of you being my wife are unbelievable. I'm sure you are looking for me right now. Don't freak out but everything is okay.

You asked last night if I thought if we would ever meet if it wasn't for the contract. I couldn't answer you then, but I say yes. I think we were meant to be together, flaws and all. I think if we didn't meet from the contract, we would have met anywhere. The street, a restaurant, a party. I think we were supposed to happen.  I think we were supposed to get married and have our beautiful children. I don't regret anything of our relationship besides some of the things I let slide. I still hate myself for that one incident with Marcus or whatever the hell his name is. I have tried my best as of recently to try and give you the best worry-free life.

Speaking of our children, I thank you for our children. They are beautiful and you work so hard with them. I hope they become as strong as you one day and lead successful lives. I would like to have more children with you and just be a big happy family.

I never saw my life being here two to three years ago. I thought I was going to be alone. I was fine with being alone. But you made me not feel so alone, and you brought more people into my life and made me realize it's okay not to be alone.

I'm sure you are confused why I am writing this so I will get straight to the point. As you know, Sam visited me yesterday. Scotland Yard found out who killed Mr. Wei with my help sooner than expected. They want me to pay my dues in prison for a little while, I leave this morning at seven.

Please for the love of God, don't freak out. I will make sure the twins are fed and changed before I leave. When you wake up and when you're ready, I would like you to visit me so I can tell you and explain more clearly everything that is happening and how long I will be in there.

You and the twins are my worlds. I would never intentionally hurt you guys.

I love you with all that I am and so many more,

Your Husband.

I put the letter in its envelope as I pick up Jackson once again and walk out of my office. I lace the letter by the front door as I go upstairs and put Jackson back down into his crib. I put his plushies next to him as I kissed his head softly.

"I love you Jacks. To the moon and back." I whispered softly as I walked into Marilyn's room. She was awake so I changed her and fed her as well. Once she was back asleep I laid her back down in her crib and kissed her head.

"I love you Mary. Daddy will be back soon." I whispered as I made my way to our bedroom. I grabbed myself some jeans and a white t-shirt as I made my way to the bathroom. I shut the bathroom door quietly as I pulled out some scissors and clippers. I looked at the mirror at my long locks and sighed as I turned on the clippers and buzzed the sides of my hair and cut the tip with the scissors. I took a shower and put on my clothes afterward and cleaned up my hair off of the floor and countertops.

I walked out of the bathroom and stopped in my tracks when Lilly shifted a bit in her sleep. I walked over to her and kissed her temple softly.

"En attendant de retrouver mon amour." I whispered quietly into her ear as I walked away and left the apartment, leaving my family asleep.

(A/N): And I oop- this is heartbreaking rip. But mini-chapter completed! No question for this one!

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