Chapter 71

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Holiday Blues

Part 1 of 4 (Christmas/New Years Chapters)

I woke up in a dark, cold room, I couldn't see a thing. I got up and felt my way around the concrete stone room. I was unaware where I was but knew I was kidnapped deep down. A light turned on in the center of the room as I turned my direction towards it. Once I did, my heart stopped. Harry was in the center, hanging by his wrists. His eyes were covered and his mouth was gagged. He was beaten, bruised and almost unrecognizable. The only thing that kept me knowing that it was Harry was his tattoos. I ran over to him, but running was a challenge for me. I made it to him as I tried to release him from the ropes.

"Harry," I said loudly, receiving no response from my husband.

"Harry!" He still was not responding as I checked his pulse, he had none. I burst into tears as I tried to still release him when I heard walking in the shadows. Fear took over me as I tried harder to release him. The footsteps grew louder and faster as the footsteps destination was towards me. Eventually, someone grabbed me from behind, I started to scream and kick. Fight or flight mode kicked in as I did everything in my power to escape.

"Lilly wake up!" I woke up in a start, Harry was hugging me from behind as we were sitting up in bed. His face was full of worry as he had subtle red marks on his body.

"What the hell were you dreaming about?" I began to sob as I turned around and hugged Harry tightly. It was all just a dream which relieved me. Harry hugged me back tightly as he stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled softly as Harry kissed my head.

"You're okay, you had me worried there. I woke up to you moving around and crying, but then I hugged you and you lost your shit. So what were you dreaming about?"

"I had a dream that we were kidnapped and in a dark room. You were hanging by your wrists and beaten, and I think you were dead. Then someone grabbed me and I was in flight or fight mode." Harry sighed as he listened to my nightmare. It wasn't the first time I have had a kidnapping dream. As Harry got more known, I was scared that we would get kidnapped, it's been a constant fear of mine. But only Harry knows about this fear.

"My love, this house is secure with cameras, a locked gate, and a security system. Plus, if kidnappers come in, we have Zeus who will go and protect the twins. We also have the panic room closets. If all else fails, they would want me not you guys, and I have been trained to get out of kidnapping situations. Plus, I have my gun in my sock drawer." Harry always said the same speech to make me feel better. And it did, I knew that no one could get at least all of us in this house. I nod softly as Harry let go of me and got up from the bed and checked the clock.

"I need to go to work my love, I can drop the twins off at school on my way there."

"No honey I can do it, just don't forget about our lunch with Milo today." Harry groaned as he walked to our closet.

"Or we could stay home and sleep?"

"Harry, no."

"Fine, but I promise you I will not enjoy it," Harry grumbled as he slipped off his pajamas down to his boxers as he grabbed a suit and walked into the bathroom. I got up and slipped a robe on, still a bit shaken up about my nightmare. I went into the closet and opened up the top glass part of the island where Harry and I kept our rings when we go to bed. When we're home, we take them off just before bed, but when we are in another city or country, we leave them on. I slipped on my wedding ring as I walked downstairs to make everyone breakfast.

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