Seventeen ♡

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⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

"Please submit your university/college applications by the end of the day!!" Their teacher expressed heavily on the due date, it was finally the day. Seniors were getting near towards graduation and well, college came right after that.

Everyone was growing up, quickly for that matter.

In class 5-B, the students were at the library with their laptops to submit their application.

Taking a big sigh, pressing his palms against each other, Jake made a prayer.

"Jake are you praying ...?" A confused Beomgyu sitting next to him asked.

Opening one eye to look at him, "Shh!" Going back to his prayer. "Okay all done!" He turned at a chuckling Beomgyu, "What? just because you don't believe in god doesn't mean everyone else doesn't!"

"Yea yea, let's click submit already." Turning at Taehyun sitting in front of them, "Babe you ready?"

A sad Taehyun just sighed and clicked sent, "Did it." He said with no expression.

"Eh already! We were going to do a countdown..Jake let's do our countdown then."



"3...!" They both said submitting an application that their lives depend on. Beomgyu and Jake were planning on attending the same university, where Beomgyu majored in Arts while Jake was majoring in social work. 

As for Taehyun...he decided to major in bioMed at a university way further than the ones Jake and Beomgyu attended.

Beomgyu was happy for him, the university was one of the second best in their city! The truth was Taehyun got accepted to every single university he applied to, matter of fact the ones he didn't apply to still offered him to come.

He was so intelligent it was almost scary.


"Babe...why aren't you finishing your lunch?" Beomgyu said, they went out for lunch today at Archie's , a few minutes away from their school.

Twirling in his chair, "Don't feel like it...can you finish my leftovers for me?"

"I'm full about you save it for later? Eat when you're feeling better okay?" He patted his back.

"Mhm." He nodded silently.

Beomgyu was concerned. The whole week Taehyun has been out of it, he just assumed it was because of university application time and he was stressed out but..this seems a lot more than stress. He just seems sad. Really sad.

"Okay spill. What really is happening with you? You're not acting like yourself."

"I am myself.."

"No and you know you're not. Please talk to me...I'm your boyfriend."

"Everyone is so happy to go off to university. You, Jake, Sunghoon everyone. You all have a passion and big dreams..."

"Well yeah, so do you! You got accepted to one of the best universities in our city!"

"Yeah but you're not understanding me!" He shouts a bit causing the worker to turn at the two.

A shocked Beomgyu felt tears pop up, "W-what. Did I do this time?"

Instantly regretting his actions Taehyun turned to Beomgyu trying to put his hand on his shoulder until he aggressively got up moving away from him.

"No I think I'm going to leave..." Beomgyu says, "You've been lashing out on me recently. I don't deserve this...I just wanted to know if you were okay." He walks out the door.

"Beomgyu wait please!"


A lonely Taehyun sat at the booth and started to cry into his arms, "I blew it..." he mumbled.

Waiting for the stop sign an upset Beomgyu rang a certain somebody's line.

🐰 Beomgyu...

🐻 You okay? I heard about the whole Bam island situation. Your dad isn't hitting you or anything right...

🐰 Mhm I'm okay...I'm just locked up in the room for now. Can't believe being grounded means he won't even let me go to school...

🐻 I know that's extreme ...any parent would want their kid to get an education

Looking both sides, Beomgyu crosses the street

🐻 Well I'm skipping school, going on the bus right now

🐰 I don't support this behaviour...stay in school gyu

🐻 Funny! But I'm getting you bubble tea to make you feel better:) plus I'm upset right now I need a friend

🐰 but you can't come dad won't let me have friends over now

🐻 I know...your window remember! I'll sneak in from your window n hide if he like comes in don't worry

🐰 okay love you...see you in a bit!

Meanwhile Taehyun with puffy eyes returned back to school for the afternoon class and didn't spot Beomgyu in sight. 'Where did he go?' Taehyun started to breathe heavily.

His anxiety was kicking in.

'What if he skipped and is roaming somewhere alone cause he's mad at me?', 'What if something happened to him?'

'What if he's sick of me...' we're all thoughts running through his head. The truth was Taehyun was terrified. Of everyone having big dreams and knowing what they want to do in life while he didn't.

He was lost and passionless. His whole life he strived to please other people.

"Beomgyu I'm sorry...I hate myself."

Separation Anxiety | TaegyuWhere stories live. Discover now