An update, for all you very patient people :))

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Hey, so it's been three years since I started writing this, and I'd never have expected it to accumulate such a large amount of readers. I wrote something for you all, which I hope is a perfect balance between fluff, and the long, long awaited smut.

You see, what most people reading this probably didn't realise that the me who started writing this story was a pre-teen weaboo still trying to figure out her sexuality. And well, now three years have passed I think it's fitting for me to come out and say I'm trans, I use he/they pronouns, and I'm so happy all of you are enjoying this weird little fanfiction I wrote when I was still trying to figure all that out. Enjoy this chapter! (Maybe after another three years I'll do a face reveal lmao ;) )

It had been a long day. You were tired, and your work uniform drenched. Oh yeah. You should probably mention, it had been four years since your first run-in with Sake. You finally graduated highschool and signed all the legal fees to gain a lease on your new apartment. It was fairly large, the perfect size for a couple and a few pets. Or children. You weren't sure. The idea of domesticity when you were quite literally in a partnership with a demon seemed so farfetched, and yet somewhat idyllic. I mean, you had a stable relationship- it would be the perfect opportunity for you to start your own family. And since laws had been passed allowing queer couples to adopt children, it meant anything was possible.

Of course, a few changes had been made to Sake. You and her had gone to a graveyard after digging up information for various sketchy sources allowing Sake to consume the identity of someone who was proclaimed to be dead only twenty-odd years ago. A stillborn child, by the pre-decided name of "Sarah Kerring". Of course, it was a fairly ordinary name, taken right from one of the polished slate gravestones of the local cemetary.

It was not of Japanese origin, although both of you were sure not a thing would be suspected. A consulting detective was hired to dig up the real Sarah Karring's medical files, which were then given to the girl you'd previously bestowed the name 'Sake', giving to her not only the ability to lead a somewhat normal life, but the identity of someone who never got to live theirs.

So now you were here.

In the hallway to your apartment in your work uniform, dripping wet. Same rushed towards you, stripping you if your wet coat and hanging it on the radiator.

"You get caught out in the rain?" She asked sarcastically, making her way into the kitchen, and taking a now whistling kettle off the hot stove.

"Care for some rose tea? I heard it has numerous health benefits?" She continued before you could reply to her earlier comment with a witty comeback. You nodded, heading towards the bathroom where you rung out your wet hair with a towel.

She soon appeared behind you, buttoning down your soggy blouse and discarding it to the floor.

"I'll bring you some nice fluffy pyjamas, then we can sit and watch something on netflix, yeah?" She asked, her voice slightly hushed as if to help calm you after your tedious trek home.

Back to the topic of starting a family- although a demon with the identity of a dead girl and just enough plastic surgery to hide the slits on her cheeks, you could really see some future with her. Perhaps it would keep this level of so-called "normality", or perhaps it would go off the rails and you'd both be fleeing the country as fugitives from the law. You weren't really sure. Either way it sounded pretty fun.

She exited the room to go and get the pyjamas she spoke about, leaving you stood there in the dimly lit bathroom in your bra and wet pencil skirt. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you didn't feel all that special. You weren't hot. You didn't have a particularly nice body. Well- not what was considered nice in the eyes of whoever it was who made those teen idle magazines, or those "next top model" pamphlets. You sighed as you pulled at some of the flabby skin on your stomach. You'd never have the body of say, Marilyn Monroe or perhaps a more modern celebrity like Ariana Grande or the Kardashians. Your little pity party was interrupted by Sake, who returned, knowing exactly what it was you were thinking. She sat down on the edge of the bathtub, looking up at you.

"Listen darling, because I'll say this only once. Just because you don't fit into the perverse fantasies of the creepy old men who sexualise young women, that doesn't mean your unattractive. Because beauty is all about perception. And everyone's perception is different. What other people saw as a freak, or a monster you somehow had the heart to take in as your lover. That's perception, honey. And even if I'm the only person in the world to think it- which I am not, by the way- you are stunning, and beautiful. Every aspect of you is so breathtaking I often wonder how it is that I came to be this lucky."

You smiled at her, as the tears that had formed in your eyes rolled down your cheeks, you let out a sniffle as you fell into her arms. You never expected to be taking advice from a demon. Ghost. Thing. But you were. And the sudden self worth you felt as result of her validation made your heart beat rapidly inside your chest- and made your stomach do flips.

"Sake, I really do love you." You said through the tears.

(Part 2 will have the smut, I can't write it rn because I'm in class)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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