Chapter 7

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Warning this chapter is super gay 👍

You then made a run for it and finally got home. Suprisingly, she didn't even chase you. When you finally got home and made sure you were safe with a huge bottle of icecream soda and a huge bag of doritos (this literally what I do after school. Gotta make sure there is no home work *epicly eats a huge bag of doritos*) you hid in a cupboard and at the doritos. You heard something break outside "Boiiiiiii" you screamed, jumping out of the cupboard with a knife. There you saw her stood in the doorway.
"ARE YOU STALKING ME?!" you screamed, throwing a spoon at her.
"Shit. I thought that was a knife." You muttered.
"I don't want to hurt you." Said the woman, catching the spoon before it made contact with her.
"BOIIIIIII YOU BETTER STAHP" You screamed, crawling back into the cupboard and closing the door.
"Dude I've been alive for so long! Did you expect me to talk like; Hello my lady, would you like to have the honour of fighting me?" Asked the woman from the other side of the cupboard door.
"NO IDIOT I GOTTA KEEP UP TO DATE WITH THE TIME IF YA KNOW WHAT I'M SAYINGGGGG" She shouted, opening the cupboard door. She was wearing the mask again. You took a minute to appereciate how beautiful she looked without the slit mouth. You realised how bad it must have been back when she was alive.
"Dude, I'm sorry." You mumbled. She stared at you blankly. She picked up an empty bottle of the side and threw it at you, intending it to be a joke.
"YEET" she said as she threw it, and then she proceeded to run into another room. A smile spread across your face.
"BRUH" You screeched as you chased after her.

Boom new chapter, and I didn't  even update at like 1 in the morning this time lol. Also i keep saying stuff from vines and I make you talk weird but whatever bruh.

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