Chapter 13 pt.2

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As soon as you got out of the building with Sake, you weren't totally suprised when you saw a blind girl with a white string coming out of her ear.
"Oh shit.." you muttered, wanting to get out of this hellish nightmare. Both you and Sake ran as fast as you could, but stopped in your tracks when you saw a girl whose legs and anything below the torso were not there. You screamed, terrified by this. Usually the creepy shit didn't scare you too badly, but for some reason you felt like you were going to have an epileptic seziure if you saw another person with a distorted body or severed limbs.

(Lol idk if u can have an epileptic seziure from that but whatever I'm 11 so im not exactly a medical genious. Actually, I have the mental IQ of a crayon packet.)

You told Sake it would be better of if you could just go home and forget that any if it had ever happened, but Sake suggested that you should both stay out of the house since staying there could be even more risky since the rokuroku had seen your apartment already, therefore knowing where it was. You instead stopped off at a motel, since it was a bit further away from where you actually lived. When you both got to the front desk, the woman looked you both up and down. "Do you want 2 single beds...." she paused for a moment. "Or a double bed?" She asked. Your face instantly turned bright red. "What?!! W-we a-aren't a c-couple... uhm-" you were completely embarassed and lost for words. Even Sake was shooketh (lol).

Kuchisake Onna x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now